Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trump lawyer to testify in public before panel

- By Eric Tucker and Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — The Senate intelligen­ce committee is asking President Donald Trump’s lawyer to return to Capitol Hill for a public hearing next month after abruptly canceling a closed-door staff interview Tuesday morning.

Committee leaders said they called off the interview after Michael Cohen sent a public opening statement to the media just as the meeting was about to start. Senate intelligen­ce committee Chairman Richard Burr, RN.C., and the panel’s top Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, issued a sharp statement saying the panel had asked Cohen to “refrain from public comment” and that they would request he return — this time for a public hearing.

“We declined to move forward with today’s interview and will reschedule Mr. Cohen’s appearance before the committee in open session at a date in the near future,” Burr and Warner said in the statement. “The committee expects witnesses in this investigat­ion to work in good faith with the Senate.”

Later in the day, the committee scheduled the public hearing for Oct. 25. Asked if he would subpoena Cohen to compel his appearance, Burr said “I don’t think we’ll need to.”

The Senate intelligen­ce committee is one of several congressio­nal panels investigat­ing Russia’s interferen­ce in the presidenti­al race and potential ties to the Trump campaign. Special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigat­ors are conducting their own criminal investigat­ion.

Burr and Warner said the committee changed its rules after Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, publicly released his 11-page prepared remarks to the panel ahead of his own closed-door interview with the panel. That interview went forward with Kushner answering questions for several hours.

Burr said the committee doesn’t want witnesses to release what they are saying behind closed doors.

Cohen’s lawyers said they issued the public statement because the meeting had been leaked to the press.

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