Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Pope admits church realized sex abuse problem ‘a bit late’


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Thursday acknowledg­ed the Catholic Church was “a bit late” in realizing the damage done by priests who rape and molest children, and said that the decades-long practice of moving pedophiles around rather than sanctionin­g them was to blame.

Francis met Thursday for the first time with his sex abuse advisory commission of outside experts named in 2014 to advise the Catholic Church on best practices to keep pedophiles out of the priesthood and to protect children.

Commission members briefed him on their work and made a series of proposals that, if accepted, would mark a major turnabout in the way the church handles abuse cases.

One recommenda­tion is for sex abuse cases to be exempted from church’s norms requiring “pontifical secret.” Commission­ers proposed that victims be guaranteed a “minimum right to informatio­n” as their claims are processed in the normally secrecyfil­led church process. They also proposed ending the 20-year statute of limitation­s on abuse accusation­s.

In addition, the commission said it was discussing the problem of when church law “impedes the reporting of suspected child abuse to civil authoritie­s.”

The Vatican has long insisted that the inviolabil­ity of the seal of confession prevents clergy who might learn about abuse through the sacramenta­l practice as an impediment to reporting crimes to law enforcemen­t. Recently, however, Australia’s royal commission has called for clergy to face criminal charges if they learn of abuse in confession and fail to report it.

Francis thanked the members and acknowledg­ed they had had a difficult job going “against the current” in making the Vatican aware of the problem and respond to it.

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