Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Recoil against ‘bump stock’ grows

NRA, GOP open to some new rules on gun shooting aid

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — The Las Vegas massacre has breached Republican­s’ solid opposition to additional gun restrictio­ns, prompting party leaders as well as the National Rifle Associatio­n to say they will consider limiting so-called bump stocks, which can turn assault rifles into virtual machine guns.

The White House signaled a willingnes­s Thursday to consider a ban, and the NRA said it could back a limit on bump stocks — but as a federal regulation, not law.

“The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semiautoma­tic rifles to function like fully automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulation­s,” the group said.

The NRA’s blessing likely will increase the number of Republican­s willing to back restrictio­ns.

The statement marked a rare concession by the powerful gun-rights organizati­on. At the same time, however, the call for regulation­s from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives could provide a way to deflect pressure for congressio­nal action — and tough votes — that might lead to broader gun restrictio­ns.

During the Obama administra­tion, the ATF authorized sale of the stocks, saying that they were not banned by existing federal gun laws.

Some Democrats quickly denounced the move as dodge by the gun lobby to avoid new legislatio­n.

At the White House, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the administra­tion was looking forward to congressio­nal hearings and legislatio­n to be considered.

“We certainly welcome that, would like to be part of that conversati­on,” Sanders said. “We would like to see a clear understand­ing of the facts.”

Regarding whether bump stocks should be banned, President Donald Trump said late Thursday ahead of a dinner with senior military leaders at the White House, “We’ll be looking into that over the next short period of time.”

Just a day earlier, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., introduced legislatio­n to ban bump stocks by law, but only fellow Democrats joined her.

A short time later, top GOP leaders in the House and Senate, including House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas, had signaled their interest in working on the issue.

“Clearly that’s something we need to look into,” Ryan told MSNBC host Hugh Hewitt in an interview scheduled to air this weekend.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo, RFla., said he was planning to draft legislatio­n limiting access to bump stocks, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., sent a letter to federal officials asking them to reconsider how they regulate the devices.

“This is definitely an area where we’re going to look and be able to act on,” Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Fox.

A number of lawmakers, including Ryan, an avid hunter, said they were unfamiliar with bump stocks before the Las Vegas shooting. The gunman appears to have used the devices for rapid shooting.

Lawmakers appeared concerned that the device offers a way to get around the ban on new, fully automatic weapons, which have been outlawed for years in most cases other than for military use.

Senators on Thursday morning privately discussed ways they could tackle the issue as they met for routine business.

Even Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, a hard-line conservati­ve group, told reporters earlier in the week he’d be willing to consider banning bump stocks if the Senate passes a bill and sends it to the House.

“I will tell you that the unique aspect of the bump stock and how you would literally transform a semiautoma­tic weapon into an automatic weapon is something that I think bears looking into,” Cornyn told Texas reporters Wednesday.

He said he had asked Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa to convene a hearing “and look into it.” By Thursday, though, Cornyn’s office clarified that he was not talking about legislatio­n.

The willingnes­s to consider some restrictio­ns, coming after the Las Vegas massacre, may indicate limits on the gun lobby’s reach into politics and policy.

Democrats, who at times have splintered on firearms issues, with lawmakers from conservati­ve states joining Republican­s to defeat gun bills, welcomed the changed outlook.

They have called on Trump to cross partisan lines and push Congress toward legislatio­n to reduce gun violence that polls show most Americans would support.

“Will the president stand up?” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “The president has a choice.”

Many Democrats, however, will not want to limit action to bump stocks.

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi of California said bump stock legislatio­n was one approach but no substitute for a background check bill that she said would have bipartisan support in the House if Ryan would allow a vote.

“It really is all up to the speaker,” she said. “Is he going to bring the bill to the floor?”

At the same time, lawmakers were skeptical that initial interest in limited bipartisan legislatio­n would translate into enough actual votes to write the restrictio­n into law.

 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan has signaled interest in working on the “bump stocks” issue.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP House Speaker Paul Ryan has signaled interest in working on the “bump stocks” issue.
 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY ?? House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: A bump stock bill wouldn’t be enough.
ALEX WONG/GETTY House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: A bump stock bill wouldn’t be enough.
 ?? GEORGE FREY/GETTY ?? The Las Vegas gunman appears to have used bump stock devices, above.
GEORGE FREY/GETTY The Las Vegas gunman appears to have used bump stock devices, above.

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