Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

GOP tax plan favors the wealthy

- By Josh Boak

WASHINGTON— House Republican­s have stressed that the tax plan they unveiled Thursday is tailored to benefit America’s middle class. Just how much it would do so remains uncertain based on the details that have been provided.

What is clear is that many of the benefits for the middle class could dwindle over time, even while companies and wealthy individual­s could enjoy lasting tax advantages.

The plan promises tax savings next year of $1,182 for a typical household of four with gross income of $59,000, leaving their tax bill at $400.

“We are focused on increasing paychecks in a major way,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

But the proposal’s conflictin­g provisions and phase-outs of certain benefits suggest that taxes could rise for some middleclas­s earners over time. For many, the income gains being touted by President Donald Trump are unlikely to materializ­e.

Some of these complicati­ons arise because, under the budget instructio­ns, the planned tax cuts can’t increase the national debt by more than $1.5 trillion over the next decade. Anything above $1.5 trillion would force Republican­s to amend their plan to generate more revenue — a change that would likely prove difficult.

Trump has frequently said that this would be the biggest tax cut in U.S. history. But outside analyses show that that’s not the case.

The tax plan’s primary beneficiar­ies would be wealthier Americans, who would enjoy lower tax rates despite the eliminatio­n of some breaks, a repeal of the so-called alternativ­e minimum tax and the terminatio­n of the estate tax.

“With the details they’ve presented to us so far, it looks like the tax cut benefits the wealthy and major corporatio­ns,” said Martin Sullivan, chief economist at Tax Analysts and a former staff economist at the Treasury Department. “In fact, if you have a large family, given the facts that we have now ... you would pay more in taxes.”

Here’s why: A married couple making less than $90,000would be taxed at a 12 percent rate, instead of 15 percent. The size of their standard deduction would nearly double to $24,000.

But that same couple would lose personal exemptions — deductions that largely benefit families with multiple children. The child tax credit would rise to $1,600 from $1,000 — short of the $2,000 that Sullivan said would be needed to make many families whole.

The tax plan would also repeal the deduction of substantia­l medical costs, including what families might spend on nursing home care. Nor could people with student loans deduct the interest paid on the debt.

And the plan would cap the deduction of state and local taxes. It also would use a less generous measure of inflation, so that more middle-taxpayers would creep into a higher bracket over several years.

All told, nearly 70 percent of the tax cuts would go to businesses over 10 years, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget. The rest of the tax cuts appear to favor the wealthy.

The conservati­ve Tax Foundation’s analysis of how different families would fare under the plan suggested that the largest cuts as a percentage of taxes paid would go next year to couples earning between $48,000 and $85,000. Even a married couple with two children earning $165,000 would receive a reduction.

But liberal groups stressed the analysis of nonpartisa­n groups that the benefits would largely flow to major companies and the top 1 percent of earners over time as tax breaks such as a new family credit would expire after five years.

“Tax cuts for the well-off are forever,” said Gene Sperling, a former top economic aide in the Obama and Clinton presidenci­es. “Tax cuts for the middle class are a small, a maybe and sometime thing that can be cut off in their plan.”

 ?? MICHAEL REYNOLD/EPA ?? President Donald Trump meets with Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, and other Republican House leaders about the tax plan Thursday in the Cabinet Room of the White House.
MICHAEL REYNOLD/EPA President Donald Trump meets with Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, and other Republican House leaders about the tax plan Thursday in the Cabinet Room of the White House.

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