Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Democratic Party icon under fire

For Debbie Wasserman Schultz, dream job as leader turned into a relentless nightmare

- By Anthony Man Staff writer

Congresswo­man Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s time leading the Democratic National Committee is looking less like the opportunit­y of a lifetime — and more like an albatross.

She’s been cast as a central villain in a new book in which her successor as party chairwoman, Donna Brazile, attempts to shift much of the blame for Democratic election losses to others.

She was questioned this year about party funding of opposition research about Donald Trump that ended up in a controvers­ial dossier claiming ties between the Republican presidenti­al candidate and Russia. She told the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee staff that she knew nothing about DNC funding for the dossier.

On the eve of the party’s 2016 presidenti­al convention, she was forced to resign from the post after hacked emails revealed party staffers had favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the primaries.

Political opponents from the left and right continue to use her time at the national party as fodder for their attempts to oust her from the from the congressio­nal seat she first won in 2004.

“She would have been better off not taking that position,” said Marty Ireland, a longtime Democratic Party activist. Ireland is a Wasserman Schultz loyalist — “she’s my congresswo­man and I believe in her” — but said the longlastin­g political hangover is painful to watch.

When President Barack Obama picked the Broward/Miami-Dade County congresswo­man to take over the party, it seemed like it might be a stepping stone that could lead to higher

office or a spot in congressio­nal leadership. Wasserman Schultz was a constant presence on television and traveled the country advocating for her president and party.

In hindsight, said Blake MacDiarmid, a South Florida Republican strategist, serving as party chairwoman from May 2011 until July 2016 didn’t help Wasserman Schultz.

“Looking at the facts now and the record, she probably would have had a much longer career in politics had she not been the DNC chair,” he said. “You pick up a lot of negatives being a party leader.”

Brazile book

The newest controvers­y stems from Brazile’s book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” published last week. It contains dozens of references — seven in just the first two pages — to “Debbie.” Most are critical.

Brazile heaps much of the blame for the party’s declining fortunes during the Obama years — losses at the congressio­nal level, in governor’s offices and state legislatur­es — on Wasserman Schultz.

Describing the mood as the party convention began in July 2016, when Wasserman Schultz had resigned and with Brazile about to replace her, she wrote that “it pained me to hear her critics talk about her behind her back. I was even more pained when I joined in that chorus.”

Brazile then went on to assert that Wasserman Schultz was a bad manager, had few friends and was hated by some, and didn’t consult with other Democrats. “She seemed to make decisions on her own and let us know at the last minute what she had decided,” Brazile said, adding that Wasserman Schultz had “outsourced a lot of the management of the party and had not been the greatest at fundraisin­g.”

The author said Wasserman Schultz “liked the power and perks of being a chair but not the responsibi­lities.”

Brazile scorned what she labeled perks provided to Wasserman Schultz: a sport-utility vehicle and driver, a chief of staff and an assistant, and a body woman — a staffer assigned to accompany the party chairwoman out of the office on party business to carry personal effects and do things like take notes and collect contact informatio­n. And she wrote critically of “Debbie’s big office” at DNC headquarte­rs — including the “Florida pink” Wasserman Schultz had chosen for the walls.

Reaction and response

Friends and foes of Wasserman Schultz have suggested Brazile’s book was written and marketed in a way to maximize attention and sales — and not necessaril­y to provide an full account of reality.

“Everybody who writes a book likes to make a profit,” said Mitch Ceasar, former chairman of the Broward Democratic Party who spent 10 years representi­ng 13 southern states on the Democratic National Committee’s executive board.

Ben Pollara, a South Florida Democratic political strategist who has often been critical of Wasserman Schultz, said his understand­ing of Brazile’s account is the “same old kind of retread on Debbie.”

Pollara said he has no interest in buying or reading the book, which also criticizes the Clinton campaign. “She’s trying to sell books,” he said. “She’s traffickin­g in gossip that I think is not only not representa­tive of the facts but exploitati­ve of the Clinton-Sanders rift that we really need to move on from.”

Republican MacDiarmid isn’t a fan of Wasserman Schultz, but he said the leader of a party with the president in the White House isn’t an independen­t operator; the president’s people call many of the shots.

“Wasserman Schultz made a lot of mistakes, but ultimately it’s the person in the White House and the person at the top of the ticket that drives these wins and losses. She’s an easy scapegoat,” he said.

The congresswo­man isn’t talking about the book. During a news conference this week, Wasserman Schultz repeatedly avoided answering questions about it.

“I am focused on doing the best job that I can to represent my constituen­ts here in Florida’s 23rd Congressio­nal District,” she said. “My focus, which is what my constituen­ts elected me to do, is to make sure that I can fight for the things they care about.”

Party activist Ireland said he wishes Wasserman Schultz would “fight back a little bit” but understand­s why she isn’t. “That’s not Debbie’s way of doing things.”

Political fallout

As Wasserman Schultz runs for an eighth term, challenger­s are using her DNC leadership as a cudgel against her. Carlos Reyes, one of three Republican­s seeking his party’s nomination to challenge Wasserman Schultz next year, called her “the swamp queen” in a fundraisin­g email citing the Brazile book and accusing her her of “derelictio­n of duty.”

A fundraisin­g pitch from Tim Canova, who challenged Wasserman Schultz in the 2016 Democratic congressio­nal primary and is running again, said Brazile’s book “confirms everything I have been saying for the past two years, that as long as Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in public life, the Democratic Party will continue its decline.”

Pollara said continuing attention to the DNC would “absolutely not” have any effect on Wasserman Schultz’s re-election in the Broward/Miami-Dade County district that is overwhelmi­ngly Democratic.

If she was ever going to be vulnerable, he said, it would have been in last year’s primary. Sanders supporters were angry at her and helped fuel the Canova primary challenge with volunteers and money. “Those Clinton/Sanders divisions were at as much of a fever pitch as they’re ever going to be,” he said.

And Wasserman Schultz won the 2016 primary with 57 percent of the vote and the general election, also with 57 percent of the vote.

Debby Eisinger, who served from 2002 through 2012 as a commission­er and then mayor of Cooper City, said she is confident Wasserman Schultz will win reelection next year. Eisinger, a political ally of the congresswo­man, said support for her is “very widespread.”

 ?? AMY BETH BENNETT/STAFF FILE ?? U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has critics in both parties, though others say she’s a scapegoat.
AMY BETH BENNETT/STAFF FILE U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has critics in both parties, though others say she’s a scapegoat.
 ?? AP FILE ?? Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile’s book details the hacking of the DNC during the presidenti­al campaign.
AP FILE Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile’s book details the hacking of the DNC during the presidenti­al campaign.

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