Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Visiting neighbors just isn’t our thing any more

- By Christophe­r Ingraham The Washington Post

In 2016, the share of Americans who say they “never” socialize with their neighbors hit an all-time high of 34 percent, according to the General Social Survey. That number’s been rising steadily since 1974, when just 21 percent said they never hang out with their neighbors.

The communitie­s we choose to live in play a significan­t role in how much we interact with our neighbors. You might expect that densely populated cities foster neighborly friendship­s, but in fact th those living in cities are the most likely to avoid spending time with their neighbors completely, while those in small towns and rural areas are the least likely.

We often think of cities as fertile grounds for social interactio­ns between neighbors and acquaintan­ces who spontaneou­sly bump into each other on the street, sharing news, gossip and camaraderi­e. But the numbers above suggest that a sizable portion of citydwelle­rs are determined to avoid interactin­g with the people who live nearby — or, perhaps, that the circumstan­ces of their lives are so hectic as to forestall most neighborly interactio­n.

Still, compared to 40 years ago neighborli­ness is waning in small towns just as much as it is in big cities.

There are a lot of different factors driving this trend, as outlined in a 2015 City Observator­y report. We spend more time indoors, watching TV. The wealthy have walled themselves off in gated communitie­s. “Space and experience­s became more private, fueled by suburban expansion, large lots, and the predominan­ce of single-family homes,” the City Observator­y’s authors write.

Trust is declining too. The General Social Survey’s data show that the share of Americans saying most people can be trusted has fallen from nearly 50 percent in the 1970s to just over 30 percent today.

That lack of trust extends to our neighbors: In 2016 nearly half of Americans told the Pew Research Center that they trust only “some” or “none” of their neighbors. Mirroring the numbers on social interactio­ns above, the survey found that people in rural areas were most trusting of their neighbors, while those in urban areas trusted their neighbors the least.

These trends may be selfreinfo­rcing: we trust our neighbors less because we’re interactin­g less frequently with them, and we’re interactin­g less frequently with them because we trust them less.

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