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GOP applying the brakes on tax bill

After initial rush, Congress is slowed by revision process

- By Lisa Mascaro Washington Bureau Associated Press contribute­d.

WASHINGTON — The rush to finish the GOP tax overhaul has snagged slightly as Republican­s grapple with substantia­l difference­s between the House and Senate bills, and pause to consider unintended consequenc­es of the most extensive rewrite of the tax code in a generation.

Lawmakers are eager to pass the bill, President Donald Trump’s top domestic priority, by Christmas, but they are also increasing­ly wary of political fallout from the hurried process and want to prevent embarrassi­ng moments, like the scribbled text hastily added to the margin of the final Senate bill.

The end of any major legislativ­e undertakin­g is often a sprint to the finish. But the final stretch of the GOP tax plan is being complicate­d by an accelerate­d process like none other in recent history.

“Republican­s have made a decision, which I can’t fault them for, that the longer this bill hangs out there, the more barnacles attach,” said Jonathan Traub, the former Republican staff director at the House Ways and Means Committee and now managing principal at Deloitte’s tax policy group. “We’ve seen time and time again, big issues left out in the sun too long start to attract vultures. They need to move quickly to take advantage of the enthusiasm.”

Lawmakers are set to convene Wednesday for the first — and perhaps only — open meeting of a conference committee tasked with reconcilin­g the House and Senate versions of the tax bills.

The Republican staffs met privately over the weekend, and leaders fielded calls with Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, as they cobble together a final version without Democratic input. As the majority in Congress, Republican­s are relying on special budget rules to pass the bill on their own to bypass the threat of a Democratic filibuster.

Yet even with control of the House, Senate and the White House, Republican­s have struggled to resolve difference­s over individual income brackets, allowable deductions and when corporate rate cuts will take effect. A hoped for deal over the weekend did not materializ­e as talks continued.

The legislatio­n is already bumping against the $1.5 trillion cap Republican­s are allowing in deficit spending, but many changes lawmakers want to make — like reinstatin­g a planned repeal of the medical expenses deduction or shelving an idea to tax graduate student tuition stipends — have left them scrambling to make tweaks elsewhere to pay for them. Both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., have said that the tax cuts wouldn't add to budget deficits.

One possible change now being debated is whether to nudge the corporate tax rate, now proposed to drop from 35 percent to 20 percent in both bills, up to 21 percent or 22 percent. There continues to be deep resistance from GOP business allies, even though Trump has said he would be open to it. Such a shift would generate some $200 billion to pay for other provisions of the plan.

The president is set to address the nation Wednesday about the proposal.

Normally at this stage of the legislativ­e process, lawmakers and staff would be pouring over the text, trying to catch typos and thinking through the bill’s logic to prevent any unforeseen consequenc­es.

But under the GOP’s fasttrack process, the bill is still being written the week before a likely vote.

Republican­s compare their undertakin­g to the last major overhaul, under then-President Ronald Reagan in 1986, sometimes posting photos of themselves from that era to emphasize how long it’s been since the last revision.

McConnell and others disregard complaints about the process. Republican­s point to how Democrats pushed the Affordable Care Act through the Senate in a Christmas Eve vote and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously suggested that Americans would like the bill once they saw what was in it. Even so, that legislatio­n went though more than a year of hearings, town halls and debates before a final vote.

Though Republican­s have been talking about tax reform for years in policy proposals and dozens of congressio­nal hearings, critics say they have not subjected the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to the kind of legislativ­e scrutiny typical of hundreds-page bills.

The 1986 measure underwent so many hearings they were numbered, like the Superbowl, with Roman numerals, hitting XXVII at one point, Democrats said.

Democrats note that the 100-year-old state and local tax deduction, first enacted during the Civil War-era and reinstated in the early 20th century, barely had a hearing before being put on the chopping block for repeal. After a backlash in high-tax states, the House and Senate bills eventually allowed property tax deductions up to $10,000. Talks are underway to permit that write-off for any kind of state or local tax, including income and property taxes.

A Treasury Department report Monday sought to assure lawmakers that the cost of the $1.5 trillion package would be more than paid for by future economic growth. But the one-page report was widely criticized because it relied heavily on separate and as-of-yet unannounce­d future initiative­s for infrastruc­ture developmen­t and welfare reform. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called the report “fake math."

 ?? TING SHEN/XINHUA ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has said that Republican­s’ proposed tax cuts wouldn't add to budget deficits.
TING SHEN/XINHUA House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has said that Republican­s’ proposed tax cuts wouldn't add to budget deficits.

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