Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Israel slams Polish PM over ‘Jewish perpetrato­rs’ remark


JERUSALEM — Israeli politician­s accused Poland’s prime minister of anti-Semitism on Saturday for equating the Polish perpetrato­rs in the Holocaust to its supposed “Jewish perpetrato­rs,” setting off a new chapter in a dispute over Poland’s new law criminaliz­ing the mention of Polish complicity in the Nazi-led genocide.

Yair Lapid, head of the centrist opposition Yesh Atid party, said Israel should recall its ambassador immediatel­y in response to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s comments, which he called “anti-Semitism of the oldest kind.”

Morawiecki was responding to a question from an Israeli journalist at the Munich Security Conference. Asking about a new Polish law that criminaliz­es some statements about the Holocaust, the journalist shared a personal story about his parents being reported to the Nazis by Polish neighbors. He asked if he would now be considered a criminal in Poland for relating the story.

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrato­rs, as there were Jewish perpetrato­rs, as there were Russian perpetrato­rs, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrato­rs,” Morawiecki said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also in attendance, called the answer “outrageous.”

In recent weeks, Israeli officials have sharply criticized the legislatio­n that criminaliz­es blaming Poland as a nation for crimes committed by Nazi Germany. Holocaust scholars estimate that Poles killed about 200,000 Jews during the Holocaust.

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