Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Kids deserve fervent support given to NRA

- Helen Ganak, Parkland Elin Shusterman, Boynton Beach Joan Clark, Fort Lauderdale

I live in a community where many of us have grandchild­ren who go to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. My granddaugh­ters, thank God, have already graduated. The anxiety and fear of waiting to hear that children in the community survived this madness was difficult.

Does this man in the White House dislike Obama so much that he felt the need to invalidate the bill that Obama signed into law regarding selling guns to people with mental illness? I personally felt that it was shameful he could not speak from the heart when he finally offered words of condolence, but had to read from a monitor — words that I am sure somebody else wrote for him.

The NRA gets stronger, and more support, and the gun manufactur­ers continue to grow. Our children deserve the same support and need to be kept safe.

Sandy Hook Elementary five years ago, I am familiar with enough informatio­n to know this tragedy did not have to happen. We know what can be done to stop this horror, and yet people continue to vote for legislator­s who refuse to follow the overwhelmi­ng agreement of the vast majority of Americans who want common sense gun laws passed and enforced.

These legislator­s continue to put gun manufactur­ers and the NRA’s money they take above the lives of us and our children. This issue must go to the top of the list when we go to the voting booth. The legislator­s who support gun proliferat­ion in America are responsibl­e for this ongoing gun violence and must bite the bullet and turn their backs on the gun lobby, or we must make sure to put the right people in office to save our children. outcome would be a lot less.

Let’s learn from Australia. The 1996 mass shooting in Port Arthur, Australia was a turning point for the country. The country passed the National Firearms Agreement, which banned automatic, semiautoma­tic and pump-action shotguns. Since the 1996 gun reform, Australia has not had another mass shooting. Politician­s need to forget the votes from the NRA and make the right decision.

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