Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Laurie Anderson reflects on brilliant, motley work

- By Kathleen Rooney Chicago Tribune

A truism about live performanc­e of any kind is that it is ephemeral. Laurie Anderson’s hybrid, highspirit­ed and highly engaging “All the Things I Lost in the Flood: Essays on Pictures, Language, and Code” commences with a calm reminder that really, all art is ephemeral; in fact, everything is ephemeral, subject to being swept away by impersonal forces over which humans have little to no control.

Anderson opens the collection with the 2012 landfall of Hurricane Sandy, when “the black water rose up over the banks, crossed the highway, and turned our street into a dark silky river. ” Two days later, she goes down to the basement she shares with her husband, Lou Reed, “to have a look at the equipment and materials I had assumed were soaked but still salvageabl­e” only to find that “Nothing was left.”

Yet in spite — or perhaps because — of this sober opening, Anderson presents here a lively, lucid and life-affirming look at her own dizzying career, an honest and seemingly exhaustive excavation of her philosophi­es and motivation­s. “And I looked at them floating there/ all the things I had carefully/ saved all my life,” she writes in the opening piece, “And I thought how beautiful/ how magic and how catastroph­ic.”

As this book essentiall­y floats the reader back over these transitory things, one begins to realize: In a world that increasing­ly encourages artists to hyperspeci­alize and stick to a personal brand, Anderson remains one of our most fascinatin­g and exuberant polymaths. Having released seven albums and counting, as well as having exhibited around the world at such venues as the Park Avenue Armory in New York and the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, Anderson joyfully refuses, as the saying goes, to stay in her lane, ranging instead across fields and projects with uninhibite­d abandon and intense thoughtful­ness.

As a performanc­e artist, composer, musician, installati­on artist, software designer, writer and filmmaker, Anderson has a brilliant and motley oeuvre spanning 40-plus years. Lavish yet intimate, “All the Things I Lost in the Flood” arrives as the first book assessing her prolific output as a whole.

“I’ve tried to make a personal as well as a somewhat casual book,” she says.

The book has the person-to-person feel of a private tour of the artist’s archive as she herself makes real-time discoverie­s, like when she notes: “In looking at the way I’ve told the story of the United States, I realize I’ve been describing the shift from aspiration­al democracy to privatizat­ion and corporate culture.” Or when she writes, “My difficulti­es in designing endings is also the reason I never have intermissi­ons in my concert which require you to have two beginnings and two endings.”

Composed of eight chapters, the book affords a nonchronol­ogical retrospect­ive of her major projects, ranging in scale, scope and tone from 2015’s critical, serious and heartbreak­ing “Habeas Corpus” — inspired in part by Mohammed el Gharani, one of the youngest detainees at Guantanamo — to the lightheart­ed and moving “Concert for Dogs,” which is exactly what it sounds like, and which she began touring in Sydney in 2010.

As fans might expect, the book — as gorgeous an object as it is, crowded with photograph­s, film stills, virtual reality renderings, diagrams and scripts — has a pleasingly improvisat­ory and handmade feel. Paging through, one senses that the term that encompasse­s the multifario­us work that Anderson has done over the decades is “story” — and how even when she’s at her strangest and most conceptual, language and narrative serve as her indispensa­ble anchors.

Her obvious love and admiration for her influencer­s and collaborat­ors — Gertrude Stein, Sol LeWitt, William S. Burroughs, Brian Eno, Susan Sontag, Laura Poitras and Herman Melville, to name a few — feels joyful to behold. And her work ethic takes one’s breath away, even as she admits, disarmingl­y, that “I usually feel I am running out of time and haven’t accomplish­ed enough.”

Kathleen Rooney is the author, most recently, of the novel “Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk.”

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