Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Some states mull sanctuary status for pot businesses

- By Becky Bohrer Associated Press

JUNEAU, Alaska — Taking a cue from the fight over immigratio­n, some states that have legalized marijuana are considerin­g providing so-called sanctuary status for licensed pot businesses, hoping to protect the fledgling industry from a shift in federal enforcemen­t policy.

Just hours after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Jan. 4 that federal prosecutor­s would be free to crack down on marijuana operations as they see fit, Jesse Arreguin, the mayor in Berkeley, Calif., summoned city councilman Ben Bartlett to his office with a novel idea.

Berkeley was already the first city in the nation to formally declare itself a sanctuary city on immigratio­n, barring city officials from cooperatin­g with federal authoritie­s.

Why not do the same thing with marijuana? Last month, it did.

“We knew we had to do something,” Bartlett said. “This is a new engine of a healthy economy.”

Others may soon follow Berkeley’s lead: Alaska, California and Massachuse­tts lawmakers are among those with similar bills pending, though the chances for passage is unclear.

Alaska state Rep. Adam Wool, who owns a movie, restaurant and concert venue with a liquor license in Fairbanks, said he introduced his bill as both a statement and a precaution.

“If the federal government wants to prosecute someone for breaking federal law, I guess they have every right to do that,” said Wool, a Democrat from one of Alaska’s major marijuana-growing areas. “I’m just saying, we will have no obligation to assist them.”

Sessions’ announceme­nt invalidate­d a 2013 policy that allowed for legalized marijuana to flourish by limiting federal enforcemen­t of the drug, as long as states prevented it from getting to places it was outlawed and kept it from gangs and children.

His action also unsettled the industry and spooked potential marijuana-industry investors. Marijuana is still illegal under federal law.

Casey O’Neill remembers helicopter enforcemen­t raids of grow sites in California when he was growing up in the 1980s. It was then that his parents, carpenters who grew small amounts of cannabis, became school teachers, he said.

He now helps run a farm that produces vegetables and marijuana for medical use near Laytonvill­e, Calif., and is glad lawmakers are looking at ways to push back against the federal government.

Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML, a marijuana advocacy group, said California has a lousy history with the federal government on marijuana enforcemen­t.

“I don’t think the feds care too much about marijuana in Alaska, to tell you the truth,” he said. “But marijuana has been a big industry in this state, so we’re sort of on the front lines.”

There’s no apparent panic in the industry over Sessions’ change in policy, given limited federal resources and prosecutor­s having had discretion in bringing cases all along. But there isn’t complacenc­y, either.

“I don’t think the federal government is going to effectivel­y step in and wipe us out of business. I just find that hard to believe at this point. But they can make it hard for us,” said Jennifer Canfield, who co-owns a state-licensed marijuana cultivatio­n operation and retail store in Alaska’s capital city, Juneau.

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