Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

U.S. House easily approves bill to reduce school violence

- By Anthony Man Staff writer

The U.S. House responded to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre on Wednesday by voting overwhelmi­ngly in favor of legislatio­n aimed at helping reduce school violence.

As evidenced by the 407 to 10 vote, the legislatio­n doesn’t tackle anything controvers­ial dealing with guns that has been proposed since the Feb. 14 shooting in which a former student killed 17 people and wounded 17 others at the Parkland school.

The STOP School Violence act would provide money to help train students, teachers and administra­tors to identify and report warning signs of violence. It would create more systems, such as apps, for anonymous reporting. Money also could be used to turn schools into harder targets and to install panic buttons in schools to summon help in emergencie­s.

One of the original sponsors, U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, urged his colleagues to support the legislatio­n, which he called an “astonishin­gly modest, yet important first step.” Deutch, a BrowardPal­m Beach county Democrat, represents Parkland.

“The STOP School Violence Act is a good bill. It will not solve our gun problem. It won’t ban bump stocks or require Americans to be 21 to buy a gun or fix our broken background check system or get weapons of war — the weapons of choice for mass shooters — off our streets, and out of our communitie­s,” Deutch said. “But it will help troubled students who need help get help.”

Deutch and U.S. Rep. John Rutherford, a Republican and former Jacksonvil­le sheriff, introduced the legislatio­n 15 days before the Stoneman Douglas shooting. The acronym STOP in the bill’s title stands for Student, Teachers and Officers Preventing.

Deutch said Congress could have enacted measures to reduce violence by enacting some gun controls after previous mass shootings. He lamented inaction.

“Since Congress has failed the American people by ignoring the deadly scourge of gun violence, since we have failed the families of Stoneman Douglas just like we failed the families of Sandy Hook and Columbine and so many others, we owe it to students and teachers across the country to at least give them tools to help them identify dangerous behavior,” he said.

Deutch said the debate over gun violence is “in a ridiculous place,” exemplifie­d, he said, by the idea of arming teachers. “Armed teachers in every hallway? Is that what we want education to be in America? No.”

The legislatio­n passed Wednesday wouldn’t allow any of the money to be used for equipping teachers with firearms.

Deutch and several other Democrats said they wanted to make sure that any anonymous trouble-reporting systems aren’t turned into vehicles that are used as weapons against minority students, who are often subject to tougher school discipline than white students.

It’s unclear just what results the legislatio­n will produce. The legislatio­n authorizes money, but no actual cash can get spent unless funding is included in a future appropriat­ions measure. And the total amount of grants envisioned, $75 million a year for 10 years, averages just $765 a year for each of the nation’s 98,000 public schools.

And there is no indication of whether or when the Senate will take up its version of the bill, sponsored by U.S. Sens. Orin Hatch, RUtah, Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Bill Nelson, D-Fla.

President Donald Trump tweeted that “the House took major steps toward securing our schools by passing the STOP School Violence Act. … A tragedy like Parkland can’t happen ever again!”

Besides Deutch, South Florida Democratic U.S. Reps. Lois Frankel, Alcee Hastings and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Republican­s Carlos Curbelo, Mario Diaz-Balart and Brian Mast voted for the measure.

U.S. Reps. Ileana RosLehtine­n, R-Miami, and Frederica Wilson, D-Miami, didn’t vote.

Many lawmakers praised the legislatio­n, but that praise was accompanie­d by criticism from many Democrats, who decried the Republican majority’s unwillingn­ess to consider anything that would restrict guns.

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-Conn., who represents Newtown, where the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre took place on Dec. 14, 2012, said the legislatio­n “will not save every life threatened by school violence, but it will save some.”

It was supported by Sandy Hook Promise, the organizati­on that grew out of the elementary school killing of 20 first graders and six adults. It works to prevent gun violence and push for gun control laws.

Rutherford said the investment­s in early interventi­on and prevention would help keep students and teachers safe.

“We need to give students and teachers and law enforcemen­t the tools that they need,” Rutherford said, drawing on his law enforcemen­t background. “I do not want to be the best first responder to an active shooter event. I want to prevent that occurrence before it happens, and that is the goal of the STOP School Violence Act.”

aman@sunsentine­, 954-356-4550 or Twitter @browardpol­itics

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