Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Arizona weighs plan for longer shelf life for eggs


PHOENIX — Arizona lawmakers are considerin­g an unusual proposal to put a 45-day expiration date on Grade A eggs, a longer window of use than the current 24-day sell-by date that’s one of the strictest in the U.S. That means Arizona consumers could be cracking and cooking eggs that left the farm more than six weeks ago — and food safety experts say that’s perfectly safe.

“When it comes to useby, sell-by or best-if-usedby dates, these are there much more for quality purposes, not so much for safety,” said Sadhana Ravishanka­r, a food microbiolo­gist and associate professor at the University of Arizona.

Republican state Rep. Jill Norgaard said Arizona’s strict sell-by rules led her to sponsor the proposal. Other states have 30- to 45-day expiration dates, she said, which reduces food waste by extending the shelf life.

“We throw over 2 million eggs away because of expiration dates in Arizona,” Norgaard said.

Supporters include the free-market advocates Americans for Prosperity, Walmart and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The state’s grocery lobby, the Arizona Food Marketing Alliance, did not officially weigh in, according to state legislativ­e records.

Norgaard said the proposal would drive down egg costs by luring out-ofstate egg producers who have more time to transport product into Arizona.

“That will increase the supply and hopefully reduce the price point,” she said.

The current iteration of the proposal doesn’t create new expiration dates for Grade AA eggs. They would continue to be marked with a 24-day sellby requiremen­t.

The proposal previously garnered more than threequart­ers support from the House of Representa­tives, and was unanimousl­y moved out of the Senate. It’s due for one more vote in the House before it could head to Gov. Doug Ducey. Norgaard said she’s optimistic that could happen as early as next week.

Republican state Rep. T.J. Shope cast one of the votes against the measure. His family has been in the grocery business since the 1950s, and he said most purchase Grade AA eggs.

“The average consumer is not going to notice a difference,” he said.

Arizona shoppers bought nearly 316 million dozens of eggs last year, up from more than 285 million dozens of eggs in 2016, according to state Department of Agricultur­e data.

Some consumers might balk at the idea of using monthold eggs. Pat Sparks, a professor at the Department of Nutritiona­l Sciences at the University of Arizona, said eggs with a 45-day expiration date will be safe to eat, though they may lose some moisture as they age.

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