Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Timeless success tips

- By Scott Mautz |

like writing about timeless lessons for success or key behaviors that lead to success. But nothing has spurned a more introspect­ive look at achieving success than turning a half-century old. (Ugh, it hurts to even write those words). I now realize how much I’ve learned over the years.

So, this column is addressed to the 25-year-old me to whom I say, “Hey! Turn off your Sony Walkman and shift your attention from the Counting Crows to this success advice!” (This advice also holds true for people early in their careers today.)

1. You own your career

When I joined a big company shortly after turning 25, I believed that the Great Career Planner in the sky would simply move me from job to job until my career dreams were fully realized.

I was doing too much assuming and not enough asserting.

Don’t fall into this trap. Yes, you’ll get help along the way, but you’re in the driver’s seat. Be clear on what you want and proactive in making it so.

2. Meaning starts with me

You’re the only one who can ascribe meaning to what you spend your time on. Pursue the life and career that you want, not that someone else expects of you. This is the key to having a truly meaningful, fulfilling career and life.

Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse, captured the misgivings of those at the end of their lives in her book “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.” Number one on the list of regrets? “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

3. Seek authentici­ty, not approval

This directly relates to number two. When we seek approval, we’re seeking external validation, which is an empty victory at best and elusive and confidence-eroding at worst. If approval equals success for you, know it’s a never-

ending quest. Instead, let a desire to serve your authentic self drive your actions.

4. Know that your definition of success will change

Twenty-five years ago, it was all about getting promoted as often and fast as possible. Now, it’s about serving something greater than myself as broadly and deeply as possible. I didn’t see that coming.

5. Zap, don’t sap

Success is drawn to those who zap energy into a workplace with their enthusiasm, passion and optimism, and repelled by those who sap energy with their pessimism, gossip and negative attitude. Don’t get sucked into the vortex of energy-sucking vampires.

6. Character reveals itself in times of crisis

Success is forged in times of adversity and crisis. It’s easy to be awesome when things are going great. But when the chips are down, how will you show up? And people will remember how you acted in such times, one way or another.

One of my greatest career regrets came from an impression I left during a time of crisis, where I was lashing out and blaming co-workers. They didn’t forget my reaction and neither will I.

7. Lift as you climb

Rising up the chain is nice. Lifting others up as you do so, with the intent to go beyond success to significan­ce is better. The position you gain should be used not just to further your own, but to help others improve theirs.

8. The only comparison that matters is to who you were yesterday

Constant comparison to others is the surest way to undermine your success (and make you miserable). Relatedly, will you go from being to becoming versus just living as is in your life?

To do so, place learning and growth on a pedestal. I think back now to the times in my career when I was least happy, and I can tell you with great clarity, it was when I wasn’t learning and growing.

9. The biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk

American computer scientist and U.S. Navy officer Grace Murray Hopper helped popularize the expression, “Ships in port are safe, but that’s not what ships are made for.” I’ve so often seen that success depends on the willingnes­s to take risks, learn from them and keep moving forward.

10. Leave politics for the politician­s

Do your job to the best of your ability and leave the politics for those with less ability. Sometimes, yes, politics will pay off for someone else in their career. But not over the long run. And do you want to advance in that fashion anyway?

11. Leave a legacy

I’ve been successful in many roles in my career because I started with the mindset of, “How am I going to leave a legacy in my time during this role? What will be my immutable impact?” So before you dive in and start executing in your next role, ask this of yourself.

My hope is that each of these lessons looking back helps you moving forward.

Scott Mautz is the CEO of Profound Performanc­e and an adjunct professor at Indiana University.

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