Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Armenia’s leader quits amid protests, saying ‘I was wrong’


YEREVAN, Armenia — Serzh Sargsyan, who ruled Armenia for 10 years, resigned Monday as prime minister after thousands of people poured into the streets to protest his political maneuverin­g to cling to power in this former Soviet republic.

The stunning developmen­t touched off jubilation in the capital of Yerevan, with car horns blaring and people dancing, hugging and waving the tricolor Armenian flag. The opposition called for a meeting with the acting prime minister to discuss a “peaceful transfer of power.”

Sargsyan, 63, was president of the Caucasus Mountains nation from 2008 until term limits forced him out in March. But parliament, which is controlled by his party, voted to reduce the powers of the presidency and give them to the prime minister, ultimately installing Sargsyan in that post last week.

The parliament’s action had triggered massive antigovern­ment protests in Yerevan since April 13. A rally Sunday attracted about 50,000 people, and about 200 soldiers joined the protesters Monday.

In his surprise announceme­nt posted on his website, Sargsyan said he should not have resisted the opposition’s demands.

“I was wrong,” Sargsyan said. “The movement on the streets is against my rule. I’m complying with their demands.”

The government quickly named former Prime Minister Karen Karapetian as acting prime minister. A Sargsyan ally, he also was mayor of Yerevan and worked in Russia for five years as a top executive of the state-controlled gas giant Gazprom.

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