Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Pruitt’s top aides departing EPA amid ethics inquiries

- By Ellen Knickmeyer Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The two top officials in charge of security and toxic-waste cleanups at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency have left their jobs, days after EPA administra­tor Scott Pruitt told lawmakers his subordinat­es were to blame for ethics problems that have imperiled his political future and prompted more than a dozen federal investigat­ions.

In statements Tuesday, Pruitt praised the men — Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta, the security chief, and Albert Kelly, who ran the EPA’s Superfund program — and gave no reason for their departures.

Perrotta was expected to appear Wednesday for a transcribe­d interview by staffers of the House oversight committee, one of the bodies and federal organizati­ons probing reports of excessive spending by Pruitt and other issues at the agency. Committee aides said Perrotta’s resignatio­n was not expected to derail his appearance.

EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox said that the departures were unrelated to the ongoing federal investigat­ions and that the agency was cooperatin­g with the congressio­nal probe, led by House oversight chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

Pruitt’s spending on security and some of the security contracts with Perrotta are among the topics of the federal probes involving the EPA under Pruitt, a former Oklahoma attorney general. Pruitt, an advocate of minimizing regulation, has survived the kind of scandals that have brought down several other Cabinet appointees of President Donald Trump’s.

At House hearings last week, Pruitt weathered six hours of scathing questions, criticism and a couple of calls from congressio­nal Democrats to resign over the steady flow of news reports and announceme­nts of new investigat­ions allegation­s of ethical lapses at his agency. They include spending on Pruitt’s behalf for roundthe-clock security guards, first-class plane tickets and a $43,000 soundproof telephone booth.

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