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Sessions: Zero tolerance at the border

- By Joseph Tanfani and Cindy Carcamo Washington Bureau Joseph Tanfani reported from Washington and the Los Angeles Times’ Cindy Carcamo from San Diego.

WASHINGTON — All immigrants who cross the border illegally will be charged with a crime under a new zero-tolerance border enforcemen­t policy, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday, launching a crackdown that could overwhelm detention facilities and immigratio­n courts with hundreds of thousands of new cases.

Sessions also said that families who illegally cross the border may be separated after their arrest, with children sent to juvenile shelters while their parents are sent to adult detention facilities. Until now, border agents tried to keep parents and their children at the same detention site.

The new policy is expected to send a flood of deportatio­n cases — and legal challenges — into federal courts. It also could put thousands more immigrants in detention facilities and children in shelters, and is likely to strain an immigratio­n system that has struggled to keep up with a surge in enforcemen­t under President Donald Trump. Until now, individual­s apprehende­d while crossing illegally were often simply bused back over the border without charges. That was especially common for people without criminal records or prior immigratio­n violations.

“This border is not open. Don’t come unlawfully .... Make your claim. Wait your turn,” Sessions said Monday near the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego. “We cannot take everyone on this planet who is in a difficult situation.”

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said earlier Monday in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”

Families seeking asylum and presenting themselves at official U.S. border crossings will be allowed to stay together as they seek protected status, according to a U.S. official familiar with the new policy.

But asylum seekers caught crossing illegally will be charged with a crime and their children sent to refugee shelters, even as agents conduct the legally required interview to evaluate their asylum claims.

Sessions said that no blanket policy would mandate separating all parents from their kids but acknowledg­ed that such cases would increase under the new rules.

“We don’t want to separate families, but we don’t want families to enter the border illegally,” Sessions said. “We urge them not to do so.”

Sessions spoke near a spot called Friendship Park, dedicated by then-first lady Pat Nixon in 1971. Back then she stepped across the barbed wire barrier marking the U.S.-Mexico border, embraced Mexican children and declared: “I hope there won’t be a fence here too long.”

Immigratio­n activists denounced the new policy to separate parents from children and said they expected to see it challenged in court. Past court decisions have put severe restrictio­ns on the government’s ability to detain children for immigratio­n violations.

“It’s clear this administra­tion wants to use families who are fleeing violence as a pawn in a larger strategy to end immigratio­n to the U.S.,” said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigratio­n Forum.

The stepped-up enforcemen­t comes during a documented shift in immigratio­n patterns, with fewer Mexicans crossing the border to find work in the United States, and an uptick in children and families fleeing violence in Central American countries and asking for U.S. asylum.

The Trump administra­tion has called for a change in federal immigratio­n law to close what it terms “loopholes” that allow people who file asylum claims to be released while waiting, sometimes years, for their cases to be heard in the nation’s overloaded immigratio­n courts.

For now, the latest iteration in immigratio­n processing will have a dramatic impact on Border Patrol operations along the border and potentiall­y require major new funding from Congress.

So far this fiscal year, Border Patrol officers have detained about 288,000 people. But only about 30,000 of those were charged with a crime for crossing the border, and only about 12,000 were charged with the more serious crime of re-entry, which is a felony. The rest were sent back across the border.

Likewise, the administra­tion is trying to push asylum seekers away from dangerous border crossings in the desert and along the Rio Grande and to authorized ports of entry where they can be processed.

 ?? DAVID MAUNG/EPA ?? Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks Monday at the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego.
DAVID MAUNG/EPA Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks Monday at the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego.

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