Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

President launches attack on ‘phony’ Mueller investigat­ion

- By Chad Day Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Monday signaled a more confrontat­ional legal strategy against the special counsel’s Russia probe, ripping into what he dismissed as an investigat­ion into a “made up, phony crime.”

His series of tweets seemed to indicate the cooperativ­e approach with special counsel Robert Mueller that had been advocated by the president’s legal team for months has gone by the wayside.

Trump’s new lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, has used media appearance­s over the past week to cast the probe as a “totally garbage investigat­ion.” And Giuliani has called into question whether Trump would be treated fairly by Mueller’s prosecutor­s if he were to agree to an interview.

Mueller’s team is investigat­ing Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and possible coordinati­on with Trump associates as well as whether the president obstructed justice. So far, the special counsel’s office has charged 19 people — including four Trump campaign advisers — and three Russian companies.

On Monday, Trump seized on Giuliani’s message, focusing on what he sees as the conflicts of interest on Mueller’s team.

“The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people from injustice...and just wait ’till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts of Interest!” he wrote.

Trump appeared to be drawing attention to a federal judge’s questionin­g last week of Mueller’s authority in a case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. But it was unclear what legal action Trump was referring to that would touch on “unrevealed” conflicts of interest.

Mueller is a longtime Republican, but some members of his team have made political contributi­ons to Democrats.

Mueller could not have barred them from serving on the team based solely on their political contributi­ons. Federal regulation­s and Justice Department policy prohibit the considerat­ion of political affiliatio­n in hiring and other personnel actions involving career attorneys.

In congressio­nal testimony, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has defended Mueller’s team against criticism that it was politicall­y tainted.

Mueller’s investigat­ion has operated largely in secrecy, with the public getting only glimpses into its operation through witnesses who are questioned or when indictment­s and guilty pleas are publicly unsealed.

It’s unclear when the investigat­ion will conclude, a fact that Trump seized on.

“Is this Phony Witch Hunt going to go on even longer so it wrongfully impacts the Mid-Term Elections, which is what the Democrats always intended?” Trump tweeted. “Republican­s better get tough and smart before it is too late.”

Democratic majorities in either the House or Senate would give the president’s political opponents subpoena power to investigat­e the administra­tion. And White House officials have privately expressed concerns that Republican­s may lose the House in November.

Asked about the tweet on Monday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump was referring to “the fact that we’re still talking about it.”

Sanders said, “I think the point he’s making is how ridiculous it is that we’re still having this conversati­on and the depths to which this research has gone on and investigat­ion has been conducted and still produced nothing.”

In his tweets, Trump also took issue with Mueller’s investigat­ion into whether he obstructed the Russia investigat­ion. To that, Trump wrote, “There is no O, it’s called Fighting Back.” He also criticized FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok, who made headlines for exchanging derogatory text messages about Trump. Trump noted that Page has left the bureau and asked, “Why is Peter S still there? What a total mess. Our Country has to get back to Business!”

Text messages between Page and Strzok, who was assigned to Mueller’s investigat­ion, show them expressing negative views about Trump and referring to him in derogatory ways. Strzok was reassigned from the special counsel team after the text messages were brought to Mueller’s attention. Page had already left the Mueller team.

Rosenstein has said that Mueller handled the matter appropriat­ely.

“When we have evidence of any inappropri­ate conduct, we’re going to take action on it. That’s what Mr. Mueller did here,” Rosenstein said.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY 2017 ?? Robert Mueller’s team includes “Angry” Dems, President Trump claims.
ALEX WONG/GETTY 2017 Robert Mueller’s team includes “Angry” Dems, President Trump claims.

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