Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Villages homeowners remain ‘in limbo’ over sinkhole-like holes

- By Austin L. Miller Ocala Star-Banner

THE VILLAGES - Homeowners from The Villages of Marion displaced by multiple holes that suddenly opened up several months ago are undecided about whether or not they plan on repairing the damage to their two houses.

Though the holes look like sinkholes, residents said Villages officials have classified them as a “catastroph­ic event” and not sinkholes.

Reached by phone, Frank Neumann told the StarBanner Wednesday that an engineerin­g report he received from his insurance company states his home could be fixed. He said the cost is unknown.

Neumann, whose residence is on McLawren Terrace, said he was told, from the report, that work on the home would be divided into three phases, with each stage requiring 30 days in between jobs. The goal is to stabilize the home, Neumann said.

“We're in said.

In the meantime, Neumann said he and his wife are living elsewhere and have not made a final decision on what they plan to do.

“We're said. limbo,” Neumann undecided,” he

Doris Morrill, Neumann's next door neighbor, said Wednesday that although she wants to leave her home, her decision is not definite.

Morrill said she's in the process of moving into a rental home not far away. She, too, is unsure about the cost to fix her home.

“My life is on hold,” said.

In the early morning hours of Feb. 15, neighbors in the tight-knit subdivisio­n heard noises coming from outside and went to investigat­e. Not seeing anything, they went back inside. Later, one woman saw a crack in her home and, by then, law enforcemen­t officials she were informing seven people from four homes in the quiet community to leave.

By daybreak, multiple holes had formed between Morrill's and Neumann's properties. While other residents who were told to evacuate have since returned, the Neumanns and Morrill have not been able to go back to their homes.

Last month, the StarBanner was able to see inside the Neumanns' residence, where there were cracks and noticeable shifts in the walls, corners and tile work. There were also gaps in between tiles.

Morrill's home has cracks on the walls next to the garage door.

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