Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Iran is last of ‘axis of evil’

- By Shashank Bengali and Ramin Mostaghim

TEHRAN, Iran — Iraq helped fight Islamic State and became a strategic U.S. partner in the Middle East. North Korea, of course, has just refreshed relations with the U.S., or at least with President Donald Trump, after a high-profile handshake and vague talk of denucleari­zation.

That leaves Iran, the other member of the socalled axis of evil, a term former President George W. Bush famously used in 2002 to describe inveterate adversarie­s of the United States.

The Singapore summit between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was short on substance and could amount to nothing, analysts say. Yet, in Tehran, Trump’s enthusiast­ic outreach to a rogue nation with a history of human rights and nonprolife­ration violations renewed accusation­s of U.S. hypocrisy.

Only weeks ago Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and the U.S., Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia — despite assurances from internatio­nal inspectors that the Islamic Republic was living up to its commitment­s — and began to reinstate harsh U.S. economic sanctions. Among the White House’s complaints were Tehran’s continued ballistic missile tests and support for Hezbollah and other anti-American militant groups.

As Trump remakes U.S. foreign policy — picking fights with traditiona­l allies like Canada and Mexico while going softer on countries like Russia — many wonder about the future of ties with Iran. Its 80 million people have been fed a steady diet of antiAmeric­anism since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but many Iranians blame the theocracy for pursuing reckless policies that have antagonize­d the United States and made life harder for ordinary people.

The U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear agreement and the sanctions have further bruised Iran’s already shaky economy.

Mostafa Bromandi, the 62-year-old owner of a printing house who’s laid off much of his staff over the past three years, said the threat of renewed sanctions had sent prices soaring and pushed his business toward collapse.

“There are two options for our country as the last of the ‘axis of evil’: either sit for serious and open talks with Trump and bury the hatchet or watch the implosion sooner or later,” Bromandi said.

“Perhaps I’m a wishful thinker, but I hope there are some secret talks between Iran and America somewhere or somehow. Otherwise we are doomed.”

Many in Tehran wrung their hands as they watched the North Korean flag share a stage with the Stars and Stripes, and read about Trump touting the so-called hermit kingdom’s tourism potential.

Fresh from his North Korean photo-op, Trump told reporters that after the sanctions resume he would consider negotiatin­g a “real deal” with Iran — “but right now it’s too soon to do that.”

“People in Iran are in their right mind to be talking about double standards,” said Alex Vatanka, an Iran expert at the Middle East Institute in Washington. “Why can North Korea pull out of the NPT (nuclear nonprolife­ration treaty) and test nuclear reactors, whereas Iran, which signed on to the toughest nuclear inspection­s regime, has the rug pulled out from underneath its feet?”

 ?? EVAN VUCCI/AP ?? The summit between Kim Jong Un and President Trump left Iranians feeling that there’s a double standard in U.S. policy toward nations with nuclear programs.
EVAN VUCCI/AP The summit between Kim Jong Un and President Trump left Iranians feeling that there’s a double standard in U.S. policy toward nations with nuclear programs.

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