Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Morgan wants recreation­al marijuana on the ballot

- By Steven Lemongello Staff writer slemongell­o@orlando

Orlando attorney John Morgan now says he wants to put recreation­al marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2020— and he’s citing President Trump’s recent propot statements as a reason why.

The longtime Democratic fundraiser, who was behind the successful referendum to approve medical marijuana in 2016, had been focusing his money and efforts on getting a $15 minimum wage measure on the 2020 ballot.

But after the latest legal setback in his attempt to allowmedic­al marijuana to be smoked, Morgan thinks he will aim for getting both a “living wage” and recreation­al pot approved by voters in 2020.

A referendum to legalize recreation­al marijuana in Florida “would pass overwhelmi­ngly,” he said in an email Tuesday. “And I believe in light of President Trump’s position, America is ready andwilling.”

Earlier this month, Trumptold reporters before leaving for the G-7 summit in Canada hewould be supportive of a bipartisan bill, put forward by U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, which would end the blanket federal ban on pot. Attorney General Jeff Sessions opposes the bill.

“I support Sen. Gardner,” Trumpsaid. “I knowexactl­y what he’s doing. We’re looking at it. But I probably will endupsuppo­rting that, yes.”

Morgan’s firm, Morgan & Morgan, has given almost $500,000 to Florida For A Fair Wage, the political committee working to get the minimumwag­e issue on the ballot in 2020. But he thinks he would have an easier time raising money for recreation­al pot.

“The industry is huge, and I believe I would have no problem getting big money from big players,” he said.

Morgan has been on the offensive against Gov. Rick Scott for not allowing smokeable medical pot after Leon Circuit Judge Karen Gievers ruled lastmontht­he smoking ban violated the constituti­onal amendment passed in 2016.

The state appealed the ruling, with the state Department ofHealth saying it “goes against what the Legislatur­e outlined when they wrote and approved Florida’s law.”

Morgan’s request that the appeal go directly to the Florida Supreme Court was rejected Tuesday, and it will be heard by an appeals court.

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