Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Simple ways to punch up lunch

- By Kelli Foster

Unlike dinner, making my work lunch isn’t a task that’s always prioritize­d. The result? I cobble something together at the last minute, and while it’s passable, it leaves a whole lot to be desired. I’m on a mission to change that, and I’d like to think I’m off to a good start.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that perking up your work lunch doesn’t have to take a whole lot of time, effort or extra money. With lunch, as in life, it’s the smallest changes that make the biggest impact. Use a better lunch container. If you’re packing lunch, arm yourself with some decent containers, which can be the key to a well-preserved meal. Stick with large, light containers for salads, meal prep containers with snap lids, or a bento-style lunch box if you’re packing a medley of items.

Step away from your desk. Whether it’s at the kitchen table or a bench outside, the change of location offers a reprieve and lets you focus on what you’re eating.

Ditch the plastic utensils. Using real flatware makes lunch feel like a real meal and a little more grown-up.

Use a real plate or bowl. The same goes for real plates and bowls. It’s such a small thing that makes a big difference.

Pack a cloth napkin. It’s a little luxury that has a way of making even the simplest of work lunches feel fancy.

Add a pinch of fancy salt. A sprinkle of flaky sea salt will always make lunch better. I stash a tiny container in my desk so I always have it on hand.

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