Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Financier Epstein settles lawsuit in sex abuse case

Palm Beach resident accused of using connection­s to win special treatment

- By Curt Anderson

WEST PALM BEACH – A decade ago, Palm Beach financier Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to sex crimes involving underage girls and got 13 months behind bars. What the public and his accusers didn’t know at the time was that he had secretly struck a deal with federal prosecutor­s that spared him from charges that could have put him away for the rest of his life.

When the deal finally came to light years later, it immediatel­y raised suspicions that Epstein — a man who counted Bill Clinton and Donald Trump among his friends and had some of the finest legal talent in America as his lawyers — had used his wealth and political connection­s to win special treatment.

Those allegation­s flared anew in recent weeks as news organizati­ons published interviews

with the alleged victims and took a closer look at Alexander Acosta, who as the U.S. attorney in Miami in 2008 approved the secret deal. Acosta is now President Trump’s secretary of labor.

On Tuesday, a lawsuit that many had hoped would expose some of the lurid allegation­s against Epstein by putting some of his accusers on the stand ended abruptly in a settlement just as jury selection was about to begin.

But the attempt to get to the bottom of the Epstein case and how he managed to get such a light sentence is not over: Some of his accusers are pursuing a separate legal effort to nullify the plea agreement and, they hope, expose him to federal prosecutio­n again.

“That injustice needs to be addressed and will be addressed,” said Jack Scarola, one of the attorneys lined up against Epstein. “There is no justificat­ion for the broad scope of immunity that was granted.”

Epstein, 65, reached the non-prosecutio­n deal with Acosta’s office while under investigat­ion on suspicion of sexually abusing at least 40 teenage girls. Under the deal, he pleaded guilty to two minor prostituti­on-related state charges, did his time in jail, paid settlement­s to many of the alleged victims and registered as a sex offender.

According to court papers, Epstein had a Palm Beach mansion where girls were brought for what they were sometimes told were massage sessions. He allegedly had female fixers who would look for suitable girls, some of them recruited from Eastern Europe and other parts of the world.

Before the scandal broke, Epstein was friends with Trump and had visited the real estate developer’s Mara-Lago resort. Trump told interviewe­rs that Epstein was “a great guy.” Records also show Clinton flew on Epstein’s jet more than two dozen times. Neither Trump nor Clinton has been accused of any wrongdoing related to Epstein.

Epstein could have faced a far more severe penalty if federal prosecutor­s had pursued a draft 53-page indictment that was never filed and included sex traffickin­g charges.

Some of Epstein’s accusers are now arguing that their rights were trampled under a federal law that says crime victims must be informed about plea bargains.

One of Epstein’s lawyers, Roy Black, has said there was no conspiracy to violate victims’ rights, and the plea agreement was “no sweetheart deal by any stretch of the imaginatio­n.”

One young woman alleged in court documents that Epstein shared her with his friends, including Britain’s Prince Andrew, a charge denied by Buckingham Palace.

Epstein’s legal team at various times included such big names as Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.

Even if the plea bargain is nullified, the final decision on bringing charges would rest solely with the Justice Department.

On Tuesday, Epstein settled a defamation lawsuit brought against him by a lawyer for some of the accusers, Bradley Edwards, who said Epstein tried to derail his representa­tion of the women and ruin his career. In settling, Epstein apologized and agreed to pay an undisclose­d amount.

Edwards said some of the accusers — some of whom say they were 13 or 14 when they were molested — were prepared to testify in the lawsuit and may yet get their day in federal court.

“They’re willing to talk. They want to share their stories,” Edwards said.

Acosta has not commented about the case during the recent media coverage. He was asked about the non-prosecutio­n agreement at his Senate confirmati­on hearing.

“Profession­als within a prosecutor’s office decided that a plea that guarantees someone goes to jail, that guarantees he register generally and guarantees other outcomes, is a good thing,” he said.

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