Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

No spotlight for Trump at funeral

- By Noah Bierman Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — As America celebrates the life of President George H.W. Bush and the “kinder and gentler” era in politics he represents, the current president, who rose to power in open mockery of that style of democracy and who hates to surrender center stage, will have to endure the tributes from a pew in the audience.

President Donald Trump plans to attend Bush’s state funeral Wednesday but is not scheduled to speak, according to the list of eulogizers released by the Bush family, marking the first time in nearly half a century — since President Richard Nixon failed to eulogize Lyndon B. Johnson — that a sitting president has been left out of the memorial of a predecesso­r.

The omission will put the cultural and personal gulf between Trump and Bush and what they represent in sharp relief. It will force the White House for the second time in a little over three months to deal with inevitable and unflatteri­ng comparison­s to a well-liked predecesso­r.

Unlike Sen. John McCain, whose family kept Trump out of his funeral entirely and used the September service to highlight their difference­s, President Bush and his family chose not to make a loud statement with his funeral, even though Trump built his political brand in large part by mocking the Bushes and everything they stood for.

Presidenti­al funerals are planned years in advance, with even the most mundane details accounted for. Bush, who believed in the dignity of the office, appears to have sided with history in welcoming Trump to attend, preserving decades of tradition when it comes to sitting presidents.

“His respect for the presidency meant that, just as he Donald Trump has been fighting the Bush family since he beat Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidenti­al primary.

wanted President Trump invited to his funeral, he was always trying to figure out how to make it work,” said Sen. Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican who early in his career worked in Bush’s administra­tion and last visited him in September at Bush’s family retreat in Maine.

Trump has been fighting the Bush family since he knocked off Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and George H.W. Bush’s second son, in the 2016 presidenti­al primary. Trump mocked him as “low energy,” and then built momentum by bashing older brother George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq as “the single worst decision ever made.”

Moreover, Trump’s central economic policy is a repudiatio­n of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada. The pact was negotiated by George H.W. Bush, and Trump has called it “stupid,” a “disaster,” “jobkilling” and the “worst trade deal” ever made.

In choosing nominees for staff positions and judgeships, Trump is known to look askance at people who served in the administra­tion of either Bush, though Trump has found it impossible to blackball all of them given their prevalence in Republican politics.

Even as the eldest Bush grew older, frailer and more well-liked by the American public, Trump continued his assault on the family, choosing a few months ago to mock Bush’s signature slogan for volunteeri­sm as the silliest form of “presidenti­al”

rhetoric and a contrast to his own nationalis­t branding.

“We are finally putting America first. We’re putting America first,” Trump said at a rally this summer in Great Falls, Mont. “And by the way, you know all the rhetoric you see, the ‘Thousand Points of Light’? What the hell was that, by the way?”

“Thousands Points of Light,” Trump said again, letting the ridicule sink in. “I know one thing,” he added, “‘Make America Great Again,’ we understand.”

Trump has kept such insults at bay since Bush’s death Friday night, releasing a magnanimou­s statement and canceling a news conference in Argentina planned for Saturday, which he said was out of respect.

But as Bush remembranc­es dominated cable news, and the former president’s casket lies in state at the Capitol, Trump has let off a slew of angry tweets about the special counsel investigat­ion that has engulfed his presidency, displaying his reluctance to put his own grievances on hold amid the mourning.

Trump’s allies say he is likely to be on his best behavior during the tributes to Bush, however, in gratitude that he was at least invited to the funeral.

“That’s all he ever wanted from the McCain family as well,” said Michael Caputo, a former political adviser, “and the McCain family did not feel the need or the desire to simply respect the office.” Licensed & Insured: LIC #CGC061890

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