Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Bush actions dissonant from his words


I was reminded the other day, by an acquaintan­ce, about the Bush words about attaining "a kinder gentler nation." I have to think about whether he actually achieved what he said. Actions speak louder than words.

Did the Willie Horton racist-toned ads achieve this goal for America? Did the destructio­n of the Fairness Doctrine, which helped create the fascist broadcasts of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Breitbart — unchalleng­ed — achieve this goal for America?

Did his auto trade agreement and ultimate attempt to throw the UAW and the auto industry under the bus achieve this goal for America? I would say, if you favored what George H.W. Bush favored, well then perhaps he achieved it. Overall, he did not achieve his goal, even if a minority of people think he did. They are wrong. Historical amnesia of the American public helped to achieve it all. For instance, the Fairness Doctrine was establishe­d by a BIPARTISAN deal designed to make certain a Hitler fascist state did not get created in America. Historical amnesia helped Americans become complacent.

Douglas Willet Cornwell,


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