Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Parkland activists among Time’s finalists

- By Johnny Diaz South Florida Sun Sentinel

Could Time’s 2018 Person of the Year be from South Florida?

The magazine released a shortlist of 10 finalists Monday on NBC’s “Today” show, and among them are Parkland’s March For Our Lives activists.

Person of the Year will be announced Tuesday at 7 a.m. on “Today.”

The students and graduates from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were noted for organizing “the #NeverAgain movement and the March for Our Lives demonstrat­ions across America, campaignin­g for gun-control reforms to prevent similar tragedies.”

Other finalists include President Donald Trump, who was the magazine’s person of the year in 2016, Meghan Markle, “Black Panther” screenwrit­er and director Ryan Coogler, South Korean president Moon Jae-in and slain Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The magazine has already highlighte­d Parkland in other ways.

Last month, Andrew Pollack, whose 18-year-old daughter Meadow was one of 17 people killed at Stoneman Douglas on Feb. 14, was featured on the cover of the magazine with six other parents who lost children in school shootings.

In April, five Stoneman Douglas student advocates — Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wind, Emma Gonzalez, Cameron Kasky and David Hogg — were featured on a Time cover standing above the headline “ENOUGH.” No engine roaring to life, no puff of smoke from the tailpipe, just a bit of a “whirring” sound as the new 100 percent electric bus glided away from its terminal at the BB&T Center Park and Ride in Sunrise.


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