Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trump to sign border deal

White House says he will then declare national emergency

- By Alan Fram, Catherine Lucey and Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON — Congress approved a border security compromise Thursday that would avert a second painful government shutdown, but a new confrontat­ion was ignited — this time over President Donald Trump’s plan to bypass lawmakers and declare a national emergency to siphon billions from other federal coffers for his wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.

Money in the bill for border barriers, about $1.4 billion, is far below the $5.7 billion Trump insisted he needed to build a wall and would finance just a quarter of the 200-plus miles he wanted. The White House

said he will sign the legislatio­n but act on his own to get the rest, a move that prompted condemnati­on from Democrats and threats of lawsuits from states and others who might lose federal money or said Trump was abusing his authority.

The uproar over what Trump would do next cast an uncertain shadow over what had been a rare display of bipartisan­ship in Congress to address the grinding battle between the White House and lawmakers over border security.

The Senate passed the legislatio­n 83-16, with both parties solidly on board. The House followed with a 300-128 tally, with Trump’s signature planned Friday.

Both margins were above the two-thirds majorities needed to override presidenti­al vetoes, though one wasn’t expected.

Lawmakers exuded relief that the agreement had averted a fresh closure of federal agencies just three weeks after a record-setting 35-day partial shutdown that drew an unambiguou­s thumbs-down from the public. But in announcing that Trump would sign the accord, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders also said he’d take “other executive action, including a national emergency.”

In an unusual joint statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said such a declaratio­n would be “a lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency and a desperate attempt to distract” from Trump’s failure to force Mexico to pay for the wall, as he’s promised for years.

Pelosi and Schumer also said “Congress will defend our constituti­onal authoritie­s.”

They declined to say whether that meant lawsuits or votes on resolution­s to prevent Trump from unilateral­ly shifting money to the wall, with aides saying they would wait to see what he does.

Democratic state attorneys general said they would consider legal action to block Trump.

Despite widespread opposition in Congress to proclaimin­g an emergency, including by some Republican­s, Trump is under pressure to act unilateral­ly to soothe his conservati­ve base and avoid looking like he’s surrendere­d in his wall battle.

The announceme­nt of Trump’s plans came late in an afternoon of rumblings that the volatile president — who’d strongly hinted he’d sign the agreement but never definitive­ly — was shifting toward rejecting it. That would have infused fresh chaos into a fight both parties are desperate to leave behind, a thought that drove some lawmakers to seek heavenly help.

“Let’s all pray that the president will have wisdom to sign the bill so the government doesn’t shut down,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said after a chaplain opened Thursday’s Senate session.

Moments before Sanders spoke at the White House, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., took to the Senate floor to announce Trump’s decisions to sign the bill and declare an emergency.

Sen. John Cornyn, R Texas, told reporters there were two hours of phone calls between McConnell and the White House before there were assurances that Trump would sign. In a surprising developmen­t, McConnell said he would support Trump’s emergency declaratio­n, a turnabout for the Kentucky Republican, who like many lawmakers had opposed such action.

Democrats say there is no crisis at the border. And some Republican­s warn that future Democratic presidents could use his precedent to force spending on their own priorities such as gun control.

White House aides and congressio­nal Republican­s have said that besides an emergency, Trump might assert other authoritie­s that could conceivabl­y put him within reach of billions of dollars. The money could come from funds targeted for military constructi­on, disaster relief and counterdru­g efforts.

Congressio­nal aides say there is $21 billion in military constructi­on money that could potentiall­y be used by Trump if he declares a national emergency. But according to the law the money has to be used in support of U.S. armed forces, they say.

The Defense Department declined to provide details on available money.

Notably, the word “wall,” the heart of many a chant at Trump campaign events and his rallies as president, is absent from the compromise’s 1,768-page legislativ­e and descriptiv­e language. “Barriers” and “fencing” are the nouns of choice, a victory for Democrats eager to deny Trump even a rhetorical victory.

Trump’s descriptio­ns of the wall have fluctuated, at times saying it would cover 1,000 miles of the 2,000-mile boundary. Previous administra­tions constructe­d over 650 miles of barriers.

 ?? SAUL LOEB/GETTY-AFP ?? The White House said President Trump will sign the bill and take “other executive action, including a national emergency.”
SAUL LOEB/GETTY-AFP The White House said President Trump will sign the bill and take “other executive action, including a national emergency.”

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