Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Goren Bridge

- Bob Jones Email responses may be sent gorenbridg­ to

South ruffed the opening heart lead in dummy and led a low spade to his queen. East showed out on the first trump, but declarer didn’t panic — he just kept fighting. South led a low spade to dummy’s 10 and started cashing high diamonds in his hand. West ruffed the third diamond and reverted to hearts.

Rather than ruffing, South discarded a diamond and a club from dummy on the next two hearts. This was the position:

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A club lead from East would make it easy for South, so East led the queen of hearts. Declarer ruffed and West had an unpleasant choice. Should he over-ruff, South would also over-ruff in dummy and draw West’s last trump, while shedding a low club from his hand. A club finesse later, South would claim his contract. West chose to discard a club, instead, but now South shed a club from dummy and led the three of diamonds. West conceded when South showed him his hand. Nicely played!

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