Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

FBI finds Russians hacked into a Florida county election system

- By Anthony Man

Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidenti­al election included attempts to infiltrate Florida election offices’ computer systems. The FBI concluded the operation was successful and the intruders were able to “gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government.”

The tantalizin­g — and alarming — informatio­n about the FBI’s findings came out on Thursday, as part of the public release of Special Counsel Robert Muller’s report on Russian attempts to influence the presidenti­al election. The attempt to infiltrate Florida’s elections system has been reported

previously; the Mueller report provided a few more details — but didn’t answer critical questions about just what was accessed, and where.

State and local elections officials on Thursday repeated what they’ve said before: They have no evidence that Florida elections systems were infiltrate­d by the Russians, and the presidenti­al election wasn’t compromise­d.

Supervisor­s of elections offices in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties each said it wasn’t them. Their technology systems weren’t compromise­d, the supervisor­s or their representa­tives said.

“The 2016 elections in Florida were not hacked. The Florida Voter Registrati­on System was and remains secure, and official results or vote tallies were not changed,” said a statement from Sarah Revell, a spokeswoma­n for Secretary of State Laurel Lee, who is responsibl­e for overseeing elections.

Paul Lux, the Okaloosa County supervisor of elections and president of the Florida State Associatio­n of Supervisor­s of Elections, said the Mueller report’s descriptio­n of the FBI’s conclusion — which refers to a county government — doesn’t mean an elections office was affected.

“In the Mueller report, the ambiguity of that statement is not specific to an elections office. It says a county government office,” Lux said. He said he does not know of any Florida elections office that was compromise­d. “I have not heard that from any county in Florida.”

The Florida Department of State added that it “has no knowledge or evidence of any successful hacking attempt at the county level during the 2016 elections. Upon learning of the new informatio­n released in the Mueller report, the Department immediatel­y reached out to the FBI to inquire which county may have been accessed, and they declined to share this informatio­n with us.”

The Mueller report said that the GRU, the Russian Military intelligen­ce agency, attempted to gain access to election systems.

In November 2016, the Mueller report said, “the GRU sent spearphish­ing emails to over 120 email accounts used by Florida county officials responsibl­e for administer­ing the 2016 U.S. election. The spearphish­ing emails contained an attached Word document coded with malicious software [commonly referred to as a Trojan] that permitted the GRU to access the infected computer.

“The FBI was separately responsibl­e for this investigat­ion. We understand the FBI believes that this operation enabled the GRU to gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government,” the report said. The Special Counsel’s Office “did not independen­tly verify” the FBI’s belief and “did not undertake the investigat­ive steps that would have been necessary to do so.”

Sarah Schwirian, press secretary for U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said via email that “The FBI needs to provide any and all available informatio­n in relation to what is in the report to state elections profession­als in Florida and Congress in order to ensure free and fair elections across the nation.”

Last year, then-U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., warned that Russians had gained access to Florida voter data. Buthe declined to identify which counties had been penetrated, saying the informatio­n was classified. No other officials backed up Nelson’s claim.

Scott, who defeated Nelson in November, doesn’t view what’s in the report as vindicatin­g his predecesso­r’s assertions, Schwirian said via email. “Bill Nelson made claims about Russian interferen­ce without providing any evidence. Senator Scott called on then-Senator Nelson to provide evidence, which he refused to do. The Florida Department of State had no informatio­n to corroborat­e Nelson’s claims and the FBI and Department of Homeland Security did not provide any informatio­n to support the claim.”

Nelson could not be reached on Thursday.

While he didn’t comment on the specifics offered by Nelson last year, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, RFla., warned repeatedly that “state election systems are potentiall­y vulnerable to Russian cyberattac­ks.” Rubio wasn’t available for comment on Thursday.

Anindictme­nt as part of Mueller’s investigat­ion alleged that an officer in the Russian military who worked in Russian intelligen­ce and his co-conspirato­rs relied on an email account designed to look as if it came from a vendor used by election officials.

The Mueller report said that in August 2016, “GRU officers targeted employees of [redacted], a voting technology companies that developed software used by numerous U.S. counties to manage voter rolls, and installed malware on the company network.”

An elections system vendor, VR Systems, which wasn’t named in the Mueller report but in the past was repeatedly identified in news accounts as the vendor in question, repeatedly denied that informatio­n was stolen from it and used to send phishing emails to local elections officials. On Thursday, Benjamin Martin, chief operating officer of VR, said in a written statement that the company “implemente­d a comprehens­ive program to ensure integrity in elections” after the phishing attempt. He said the company has completed a Department of Homeland Security Risk Vulnerabil­ity Assessment and continues to work “tirelessly every day to protect our systems and our customers.”

Tallahasse­e-based VR is a dominant provider of election systems software. Orange County Elections Supervisor Bill Cowles said 65 of 67 Florida counties now use the company’s software, up from 52 in 2016, and the last two counties, Palm Beach and Sarasota, are in negotiatio­ns to do so aswell.

Lux said someone clicking on a phishing email does not mean access to the actual elections systems that are used for tabulating votes and programmin­g voting machines. He said any attempts to meddle in voter registrati­on systems would have become obvious during the 2016 sand 2018 elections because people would have shown up to vote and their registrati­ons would be altered or gone. Voter registrati­on problems would also have become known when elections offices filled requests for vote by mail ballots.

Lux, whose background is in informatio­n technology, said the wording in the report — “gaining access to a county network versus being poised to act on a county network are two different things.”

In November 2016, the Mueller report said, “the GRU sent spearphish­ing emails to over 120 email accounts used by Florida county officials responsibl­e for administer­ing the 2016 U.S. election.”

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