Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Most benefit from Trump tax cut


Aworkable solution for migrants

President Trump has put forth a potential plan to alleviate the serious situation at the southern border. Approachin­g this situation froma humanitari­an viewpoint, we should certainly be able to solve it.

The plan put forth by President Trump essentiall­y calls for the relocation of these illegal immigrants to a safe place, logically, a sanctuary city fits the bill so to speak, where they would be welcomed and find asylum. Stop hating Trump for a moment and you should be able to justify this compassion­ate idea. It appears to be aworkable solution.

The Democrats find this an appalling solution because they cannot stop hating Trump long enough to apply some serious thought to a serious situation. Nowwe get to the crux of the issue. The Democrats must admonish President Trump at all costs for this brilliant and humanitari­an idea, stop it now before their credibilit­y takes a hit.

Jack Weiss, Boynton Beach

Unrealisti­c solution for migrants

President Trump is pushing a proposal to move migrants into sanctuary cities. Is this a realistic solution or merely a childish revenge plot against Democratic­leaning areas.

His tweet about the horrific fire at the NotreDame cathedral in Paris showed a total lack of empathy.

Does he ever reread his tweets? He spends time praising himself while blaming the Democrats for “spying” on his campaign. Nowhe is coming down to our state where he does not understand the negative effects of offshore drilling.

I hope he takes some time to reflect on his negative self-aggrandizi­ng.

Barbara Green, Boynton Beach

I read with some amusement the article about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slamming President Trump’s tax cuts.

According to her, itwas an “underhande­d assault on hard-working Americans”.

Of course, then you go to the very end of the article and H&R Block reports taxes being paid by its clients are down 25%. H&R Block prepares returns for hard-working Americans so maybe they know something that she doesn’t.

She goes on to complain that 23,200 families in her district can’t deduct the interest on home equity loans that weren’t used to buy or improve the property; or the 10,900 homeowners that are limited to a $10,000 deduction on their real estate tax. Those sound like takeaways from the rich and not hardworkin­g Americans.

It is hard to accept anything she says because it comes from one point of view and that is to resist. The simple fact is that hard-working Americans are benefiting fromthe new tax laws aswell.

David Hixson, Hollywood

Backing MSD student stance against arming teachers

Sari Kaufman is a brilliant youngwoman who has outlined the reasons why teachers should not carry weapons. I ama successful adult because my teachers focused on educating me.

Teachers have a huge workload and should not be distracted by another responsibi­lity unrelated to education. The county school boards should be demanding the state remove any new policy that will force teachers to carry guns. The classroom should be a place of learning.

Ann Sommer, Tamarac

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