Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

The battle for Pentagon’s ‘war cloud’

Amazon, Microsoft seek to build $10B computing system

- By Matt O’Brien

Amazon and Microsoft are battling it out over a $10 billion opportunit­y to build the U.S. military its first “war cloud” computing system. But Amazon’s early hopes of a shock-and-awe victory may be slipping away.

Formally called the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastruc­ture plan, or JEDI, the military’s computing project would store and process vast amounts of classified data, allowing the Pentagon to use artificial intelligen­ce to speed up its war planning and fighting capabiliti­es. The Defense Department hopes to award the winnertake-all contract as soon as August. Oracle and IBM were eliminated at an earlier round of the contract competitio­n.

But that’s only if the project isn’t derailed first.

It faces a legal challenge by Oracle and growing congressio­nal concerns about alleged Pentagon favoritism toward Amazon. Military officials hope to get started soon on what will be a decade-long business partnershi­p they describe as vital to national security.

“This is not your grandfathe­r’s internet,” said Daniel Goure, vice president of the Lexington Institute, a defense-oriented think tank. “You’re talking about a cloud where you can go from the Pentagon literally to the soldier on the battlefiel­d carrying classified informatio­n.”

Amazon was considered an early favorite when the Pentagon began detailing its cloud needs in 2017, but its candidacy has been marred by an Oracle allegation that Amazon executives and the Pentagon have been overly cozy. Oracle has a final chance to make its case against Amazon — and the integrity of the government’s bidding process — in a court hearing.

“This is really the cloud sweepstake­s, which is why there are such fierce lawsuits,” said Wedbush Securities analyst Daniel Ives.

Ives said an opportunit­y that was a “no brainer” for Amazon a year ago now seems just as likely to go to Microsoft, which has spent the past year burnishing its credential­s to meet the government’s security requiremen­ts.

For years, Amazon Web Services has been the industry leader in moving businesses and other institutio­ns onto its cloud — a term used to describe banks of servers in remote data centers that can be accessed from almost anywhere. But Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform has been steadily catching up, as have other providers such as Google, in both corporate and government settings.

With an acronym evoking Star Wars and a price tag of up to $10 billion over the next decade, JEDI has attracted more attention than most cloud deals. A cloud strategy document unveiled by the Defense Department last year calls for replacing the military’s “disjointed and stove-piped informatio­n systems” with a commercial cloud service “that will empower the warfighter with data and is critical to maintainin­g our military’s technologi­cal advantage.”

In a court filing last month, Lt. Gen. Bradford Shwedo said further delays in the Oracle case will “hamper our critical efforts in AI” as the U.S. tries to maintain its advantage over adversarie­s who are “weaponizin­g their use of data.” Shwedo said JEDI’s computing capabiliti­es could help the U.S. analyze data collected from surveillan­ce aircraft, predict when equipment needs maintenanc­e and speed up communicat­ions if fiber and satellite down.

Amazon was considered an early front-runner for the project in part because of its existing high-security cloud contract with the CIA. It beat out IBM for that deal in 2013.

Worried that the Pentagon’s bid seemed tailormade for Amazon, rivals Oracle and IBM lodged formal protests last year arguing against the decision to award it to a single vendor.

In an October blog post , IBM executive Sam Gordy wrote that a single-cloud approach went against industry trends and “would give bad actors just one target to focus on should they want to undermine the military’s IT backbone.”

The Government Accountabi­lity Office later dismissed those protests, but Oracle persisted by taking its case to the Court of Federal Claims, where it has pointed to emails and other documents that it says show connection­s go conflicts of interest between Amazon and the government. The case has delayed the procuremen­t process, though the Pentagon says it hopes to award the contract as early as Aug. 23.

Oracle’s argument is centered on the activities of a Defense Department official who later went to work for Amazon. Amazon says Oracle has exaggerate­d that employee’s role in the procuremen­t using “tabloid sensationa­lism.”

Some defense-contractin­g experts say the conflict allegation­s are troubling.

“No one seems to deny that these were actual conflicts and the players affirmativ­ely attempted to conceal them,” said Steven Schooner, a professor of government procuremen­t law at George Washington University.

But Goure, whose think tank gets funding from Amazon but not from its cloud rivals Microsoft, Oracle or IBM, said the criticism is “coming from the alsorans.” He says rivals like Oracle “missed the boat” in cloud technology and are trying to make up lost ground through legal maneuvers.

The Pentagon has repeatedly defended its bidding process, though the concerns have trickled into Congress and onto primetime TV. Fox News host Tucker Carlson devoted a segment last month to the cloud contract that questioned an Amazon executive’s 2017 meeting with then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. Carlson also aired concerns by Republican Rep. Mark Meadows, who said “the allegation­s are incredible” and should be investigat­ed.

A Wall Street Journal report Sunday further detailed government emails about that meeting and another one between Mattis and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos later that year.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said Tuesday that there are so many questions that the Pentagon should “restart the whole process” and wait until its inspector general can review potential conflicts.

Amazon said Tuesday the meetings “had nothing to do with the JEDI procuremen­t” and blamed “misinforme­d or disappoint­ed competitor­s” for trying to imply otherwise.

Pentagon spokeswoma­n Elissa Smith said while military leaders are expected to engage with industry, no one in the defense secretary’s “front office” participat­ed in drafting the contract requiremen­ts or soliciting bids.

Ives said it remains to be seen how much the allegation­s will hurt Amazon or help Microsoft. Microsoft has largely stayed quiet during the dispute. In a statement, it focused on highlighti­ng its 40-year partnershi­p supplying the military with services such as email.


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