Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Unfit for presidency


A racist, is a person who shows discrimina­tion or prejudice against people of other races, or believes that a particular race is superior to another.

President Trump’s recent comments urging American citizens, to go back to where they came, due to their race or religion is reprehensi­ble, reinforcin­g a history of racist comments and actions.

How is it possible, the President’s ongoing disrespect of the law, the Constituti­on, ethics, morality, his fabricatio­ns, his clear racism, is unchecked by those elected to office to safeguard our country-and its citizens of every religion, race and creed? The founding fathers, created a governance system to remove a President so flawed and unstable, that his policies, actions, and statements are significan­tly adverse to the country.

How much longer before elected officials, sworn to observe and defend the Constituti­on, take the required lawful actions to remove this unfit, disturbed person from office?

Mel Lowell Parkland

Trump’s three-ring circus President Trump has turned America into a three-ring circus with himself being the “Ringleader.” How can we the people of the United States of America be proud of this egotistica­l maniac? The world is laughing at us, and the “Tweet Man.”

Trump’s latest tweet regarding our four congresswo­men tells it all. He’s a racist and a male chauvinist. Will someone please pull all the plugs on his computers, phones and tape his mouth so “we the people” have a rest from this man who continues to embarrass us and our great country on a daily basis.

Ann Cimmino Davie

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