Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Investigat­ors question where migrant children moved from Homestead shelter are

- By Anthony Man

When a high-level congressio­nal delegation arrived at the Homestead shelter for migrant children Monday, they discovered that the federal government had suddenly, and sharply, reduced the number of teens held there — down 42% in 12 days.

Congressio­nal investigat­ors already had a litany of questions about the way the shelter is operating and how it’s spending money.

The new, paramount question: Where did the children go?


As of June 14, the facility had 2,460 migrant children, ages 13 to 17, an 80 percent increase from when it first opened in the first quarter of 2018.

As of July 3, there were 2,252 children at the shelter.

And on Monday morning, there were 1,309.

Children housed there crossed the southern border without a parent. The agency responsibl­e for the shelter, the Department of Health and Human Services, says none of the children at Homestead were separated from their parents by the government at the border.

The shelter is a piece of the struggle between Democrats and the president over the Trump administra­tion’s policies on immigratio­n and treatment of people who attempt to enter the U.S. at the southern border.

They don’t even see eye to eye on

how to describe the Homestead facility. Democrats call it a detention center. The Trump administra­tion calls it an emergency care center or emergency influx center.


After two-and-a-half hours inside the facility, the leader of the congressio­nal delegation, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., chairwoman of the Appropriat­ions Subcommitt­ee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, said she wanted to know if the children were matched with family members or sponsors — or simply moved to other shelters?

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, a member of the Appropriat­ions Committee, has made several visits to the shelter. Sometimes she’s been allowed in; sometimes she’s been barred from entering.

“What the heck. From July 3 until July 14th, suddenly they’re able to drop 1,000 kids here when they couldn’t do that as quickly before? Where did they go?” she wondered.


Nobody is saying if the shelter is going to close.

Two things began happening on July 3:

The facility went on “admittance stop so no new children have come in since then.”

The Department of Health and Human Services began “releasing kids as quickly as possible.”

That informatio­n comes via email from a spokeswoma­n for Caliburn Internatio­nal, the parent company of Comprehens­ive Health Services, the contractor that operates the shelter.

The Caliburn representa­tive provided numbers that answer part, but not all, of the questions from DeLauro and Wasserman Schultz.

From Friday through Monday morning, the company said, 448 children were released from the shelter, mostly categorize­d as “reunificat­ions to a sponsor,” with some transfers to other shelters.

Starting with a population of 1,757 on Friday and ending with 1,309 as of Monday morning, Caliburn said 376 were reunified and 70 were transferre­d. One turned 18 and aged out of the facility and there was an “age redetermin­ation” for another, meaning the operator realized the person was over 18.

Members of Congress raised suspicion that their planned visit — they had to give advance notice or risk being denied entry — played a role in the quick reduction in the number of children there.

Caliburn said the change resulted from “policy changes” implemente­d by the Office of Refugee Resettleme­nt, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services. For example, grandparen­ts, adult siblings and caregivers who have provided care to a minor over a period of time no longer have to go through fingerprin­ting.

Mark Weber, a deputy assistant secretary for public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, said via email that Homestead is “an emergency influx shelter for use when the standard shelter system is near capacity” and that quicker unificatio­n of children with parents, other relatives or sponsors has opened up space at standard shelters.

Hurricane plan

Wasserman Schultz expressed frustratio­n over difficulty getting informatio­n about the shelter’s hurricane evacuation plan if a storm heads toward Miami-Dade County.

In an email last month to U.S. Rep. Debbie MucarselPo­well, a Miami Democrat whose district includes the shelter, federal officials said all migrant children in their care would be evacuated and given “safe transporta­tion” to a temporary shelter.

Her efforts to get details about evacuation plans resulted only in an email with six bullet points broadly summarizin­g what would happen in case of an emergency.

Wasserman Schultz said Monday that members of Congress have been denied the ability to see whatever hurricane evacuation plan exists, with officials citing the need to prevent disclosure of the places that would receive children from Homestead.

The congresswo­man did not buy that as an excuse; she said the destinatio­ns could be redacted. She said Monday that access to the plan was still being denied, but that members of Congress were told they could get a briefing on the plan.

On Tuesday, MucarselPo­well said on Twitter that she still has “not seen a hurricane evacuation plan for the Homestead facility, and as long as they continue to hold children during hurricane season, this is an extremely dangerous form of neglect.”

What’s next

Mucarsel-Powell said that when she visited the facility in June, it was preparing for expansion. “It seems plans have changed.”

In an email, the communicat­ions office in the Health and Human Services Department’s Administra­tion for Children and Families said the Homestead shelter is not taking any more children in “right now.”

And the Caliburn representa­tive was “not sure for how long” the no-admissions policy would stand.

The shelter opened in June 2016 during the Obama administra­tion, closed in April 2017, and reopened in February 2018. Weber, from the Department of Health and Human Services, said it is “premature to speculate” about whether the shelter is going to close or not.

In a series of Twitter posts on Tuesday, Mucarsel-Powell wrote that the Homestead center is moving “in the right direction but we must continue pushing for a complete shutdown. The [Trump] Admin has proved that quality care for migrant children isn’t a priority at these shelters. #CloseTheCa­mps.”

Later she added that, “We won’t stop until every child is safely placed & this center is shut down.”

On July 24, the DeLauroled subcommitt­ee plans a hearing about the unaccompan­ied children program run by the Office of Refugee Resettleme­nt. After touring Homestead, she warned agency officials to show up with answers to the congressio­nal delegation’s questions.

Informatio­n from the News Service of Florida was used in this report.

 ?? SUSAN STOCKER/SOUTH FLORIDA SUN SENTINEL ?? Children being held at the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompan­ied Children walk the grounds Monday while Democratic members of the House Appropriat­ions Committee tour the facility.
SUSAN STOCKER/SOUTH FLORIDA SUN SENTINEL Children being held at the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompan­ied Children walk the grounds Monday while Democratic members of the House Appropriat­ions Committee tour the facility.

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