Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Fla. leaders talk about fighting election fraud, then do nothing

- Steve Bousquet

As Florida refuses to act, another state joins a nationwide pact to improve voter security and reduce the risk of voter fraud.

Kentucky became the 28th state to join the Electronic Registrati­on Informatio­n Center (ERIC), a non-profit compact in which states share encrypted voter registrati­on data to track dual registrati­ons and rid rolls of deceased voters. Florida has among the highest rates of in- and out-migration, and that trend could be increasing, yet it stubbornly refuses to join ERIC.

Now consider that the two states bordering Florida — Alabama and Georgia — are both members. What gives?

The state’s refusal to act, a year after the Legislatur­e passed a law authorizin­g it, is a thumb in the eye to the state’s 67 supervisor­s of elections. Joining ERIC is a long-standing priority of supervisor­s, who see it as enhancing the credibilit­y of the statewide voter database and bolstering public confidence in the integrity of elections after attempted Russian hacks in 2016.

At a statewide conference in May, supervisor­s confronted state officials on the issue, but got vague responses, even as Gov. Ron DeSantis talked about the need to protect the security of elections. That’s rank hypocrisy, and it’s insulting to the profession­als who run Florida elections. They deserve a full explanatio­n for the state’s silence on this issue.

Here’s the dark secret state officials won’t discuss: ERIC also promotes voter registrati­on. Membership in ERIC requires states to do an annual outreach effort to encourage unregister­ed adults to join the rolls. ERIC estimated that more than 4 million Floridians are eligible, but unregister­ed. In a state with an unmatched record of incredibly close statewide elections, that would be a political game-changer in 2020. Republican­s shamelessl­y see it as too great a risk, even at the expense of a program that could reduce voter fraud.

Steve Schneider, a Hollywood resident, emailed supervisor­s on ERIC membership, and found unanimous enthusiasm for joining the compact. A typical response came from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy Link, a DeSantis appointee, who wrote: “Restoring voter confidence in all aspects of our system is critical to us, and participat­ion in ERIC would be a big step toward addressing dual-state voter registrati­on.”

Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes announced her state’s decision to join ERIC “to ensure the integrity of our elections and the accuracy of Kentucky’s voter rolls.” Wouldn’t you like to see that from someone in Florida? Well, don’t bet on it. Grimes is a Democrat elected statewide and Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee is a political appointee reporting to DeSantis, who needs to ensure that President Donald Trump wins Florida again.

When voter turnout is low, Republican­s usually win, and both parties know that the higher the turnout, the more likely a Democrat will win the White House. Remember that the next time you hear a Republican blathering on about protecting election security.

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