Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Conservati­ve Federalist Society is indirectly picking our judges

- By Paula Dockery Paula Dockery is a syndicated columnist who served in the Florida Legislatur­e for 16 years as a Republican from Lakeland. She is now a registered NPA.

One of the most consequent­ial decisions a governor makes is his or her appointmen­t of judges. Justices on the state supreme court and appeals court judges can have profound effects on the lives of all the residents of their state.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in office for nine months, has appointed nine judges so far. How has he done?

In this highly partisan political climate, it depends on whom you ask — or, more specifical­ly, on the party affiliatio­n of whom you ask. That is a sad reflection of how we think about our judges.

To be fair, all three of his appointees to the Florida Supreme Court seem to be qualified and respected in the legal profession. If you want extremely conservati­ve judges, you’ll be pleased. If you want more balance and more independen­ce — like me — you won’t.

Our judicial branch was not supposed to be made up of highly partisan ideologues, yet we’ve come to understand that elections have consequenc­es and to the victor go the spoils.

Judicial independen­ce is difficult to obtain or sustain when the governor appoints most of the judges to the state’s highest courts.

Governors in Florida are responsibl­e for appointing justices to the seven-member Supreme Court and judges to the 60-member appellate courts.

The 597 circuit court judges and the numerous county court judges are popularly elected in nonpartisa­n races, but governors are responsibl­e for filling vacancies. This can lead to a lot of judicial appointmen­ts for any one governor.

Jeb Bush appointed 135 judges during his two terms as governor. Charlie Crist appointed 109 judges in his one term and Rick Scott had a field day during his eight years by putting 242 judicial appointees on the bench.

DeSantis, a former congressma­n who identified with the Tea Party, ran for governor touting his close ties to President Trump.

When DeSantis took office, there were three vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court because the justices had reached their mandatory retirement age. All were considered on the liberal side of the ideologica­l scale.

DeSantis replaced them with extremely conservati­ve appointees — Barbara Lagoa, Robert Luck and Carlos Muñiz. That drasticall­y changed the court from a 4-3 split to a 6-1 conservati­ve court.

Can you imagine getting to replace nearly half of the state Supreme Court? DeSantis was able to mold the court in his political philosophy and to shape the court for decades by choosing younger judges.

In an unexpected twist, two of his Supreme Court justices — who have only served for eight months — have been picked by Trump for the federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. If they are confirmed, DeSantis would get to pick two more Supreme Court justices to replace them.

How was DeSantis — new to state government and only in office for weeks— able to quickly select these judges? He did so the same way other conservati­ve governors and Trump do — by turning to the Federalist Society’s list of judicial candidates. That’s why Barbara Lagoa and Robert Luck were chosen by both DeSantis and Trump.

What is the Federalist Society and why are they indirectly choosing our judges?

The Federalist Society is a group of conservati­ves and libertaria­ns dedicated to getting conservati­ve judges on courts throughout the country. It’s brilliant in its organizati­on. It targets three groups — college students, lawyers and faculty — to recruit, train and develop a bench of potential judges. Plus, it has a support system with plenty of resources.

The Society boasts of providing opportunit­ies for effective participat­ion in the public policy process — a nice way of saying the group can engage in a politicall­y partisan way of stacking the courts.

Its public relations firm, Creative Response Concepts, advocated for U.S. Supreme Court justice nominees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The firm pushed the narrative that Kavanaugh’s accuser confused him with someone else. CRC is best known for devising the Swift Boat Veterans Campaign that smeared John Kerry in the 2004 presidenti­al election.

Federalist Society members include a who’s who of conservati­ve lawyers and judges, including many current and former Supreme Court justices. The Koch Brothers and the Mercer Family — major Republican donors— have invested millions of dollars to the cause.

In addition, Republican candidates for political office aggressive­ly campaign on getting more conservati­ves on the court. That motivates Republican voters.

The Federalist Society, well funded and organized, is at the pinnacle of its power and influence. It’s effective — but also a little icky.

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