Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Ousting sheriff sets bad precedent — it’s wrong to overturn elections

- By Scott Maxwell smaxwell@orlandosen­

I can’t vouch for Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.

I don’t think I want him in office.

But here’s the thing:

I didn’t elect him.

One specific group of people did — the voters of Broward County.

That’s why it’s so troubling to see politician­s attempt to override a valid vote to oust a duly elected official who hasn’t even been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one.

It’s a wicked precedent. Yet it’s playing out in Florida right now.

Gov. Ron DeSantis first removed Sheriff Scott Israel from office in January to fulfill a campaign pledge. Now state senators must decide whether DeSantis acted properly — even though the Senate’s own hired expert ruled he did not.

Yes, Republican legislator­s actually brought in an expert, a former GOP legislator,to study all the facts.

Special Master Dudley Goodlette did so and concluded that, while front-line deputies should have more quickly entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to confront the shooter in Parkland last year, their inaction was not grounds to invalidate an election.

Goodlette also stressed DeSantis didn’t offer evidence that mass-shooting training (or the lack thereof ) at Israel’s office varied much from other Florida department­s.

Yet Republican senators voted along party lines Monday to oust this Democratic sheriff. They hired an expert at $225 an hour — a man who Senate President Bill Galvano described as “a person of tremendous integrity” with an “independen­t and objective point of view” — and then ignored his advice.

The first vote was just a committee recommenda­tion. The full Senate is expected to vote later this week.

Admittedly, senators are in a gutwrenchi­ng spot. We all empathize with parents who want Israel gone. Their pain is tragically unimaginab­le.

But there are good reasons this country doesn’t ask crime victims to dole out punishment.

One parent argued: “As Broward Sheriff,

Scott Israel was the No. 1 threat to public safety.”

The No. 1 culprit was the shooter. There’s plenty of blame to go around for inaction — including the FBI, school board and school resource officer who didn’t rush to the students’ aid. But we all know the depraved shooter was most responsibl­e.

And even if we also blame the sheriff, removing him from an elected office violates a core principle of democracy.

Think about it. We all know other elected officials we consider unfit for office.

Take it from former Senate President Tom Lee — the lone Republican on the committee who objected to Israel’s ousting, saying that allowing public pressure to trump valid elections “would set a historic precedent.”

Even Lee, though, succumbed the very public pressure he decried, opting not to cast a vote on the matter.

Other politician­s have been blatantly political. In arguing to keep Israel out of office, state Rep. James Grant cited a “no confidence” vote union deputies took against Israel.

Since when do Republican legislator­s care what union members think about who gets to keep their job? Will Grant also ask the teachers union whether Education Commission­er Richard Corcoran gets to stay?

We’re witnessing politician­s with flexible principles.

And that’s the thing about principles — you only truly have them if you hold them during trying times.

Believe me, if I were interested in pandering, I would join the chorus of people who want Israel gone. I know many readers want it, too.

It’s understand­able. And easy. We have a grieving state and a bombastic sheriff who went on CNN two weeks after 17 people were slaughtere­d to boast about his “amazing leadership.”

That’s beyond tone deaf. It’s gross. But the Senate’s own hired expert (who didn’t really seem to like Israel either, by the way) said it wasn’t grounds for removal from office.

And anyone who supports overturnin­g a local election today better be ready to have their own local elections overturned tomorrow.

matter what I think.

It doesn’t

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