Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Testimony in Stone trial wraps up

- By Michael Balsamo, Matthew Barakat and Eric Tucker Associated Press writer Zeke Miller contribute­d to this report.

A top Trump campaign official told jurors Stone tried to contact Jared Kushner about hacked DNC emails.

WASHINGTON – Testimony in the colorful trial of Roger Stone — featuring talk of dognapping and Godfather references — wrapped up Tuesday with a top Trump campaign official telling jurors that Stone tried to contact Jared Kushner to “debrief ” him about hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidenti­al campaign.

While Stone’s trial in Washington didn’t produce the bombshells about President Donald Trump that some expected, the testimony over the last week reinforced that those at the highest ranks of the Trump campaign were eager to gather informatio­n about WikiLeaks’ plan to release the damaging emails and saw Stone — who had repeatedly inferred he had inside informatio­n about those plans — as the best person to gather that intelligen­ce.

Stone, a Fort Lauderdale resident and longtime Trump ally, is charged with witness tampering and lying to Congress about his attempts to contact WikiLeaks about the damaging material during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Stone, who has denied wrongdoing, did not testify. His attorneys rested after playing a tape of his congressio­nal testimony. Closing arguments are scheduled for Wednesday.

Throughout the trial, prosecutor­s used Stone’s own text messages and emails — some of which appeared to contradict his congressio­nal testimony — to lay out their case that he lied to Congress and threatened a witness.

Rick Gates, who was Trump’s deputy campaign chairman and became a key cooperator in the special counsel’s Russia probe, told jurors he received a text message from Stone on June 15, 2016, asking for

Kushner’s contact informatio­n. He said Stone wanted to “debrief” Kushner on developmen­ts about the hacked emails. Kushner was a senior campaign adviser at the time.

Gates did not say if Stone received Kushner’s informatio­n. Kushner’s attorney did not respond to a message seeking comment.

The prosecutio­n rested its case after recalling a former FBI agent who had previously testified about a series of phone calls between Stone and then-candidate Trump — including three calls on July 14, 2016 — the day that a massive hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers was reported.

The president told special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutor­s in written responses to questions that he had no recollecti­on of any particular conversati­ons about the hacked emails.

Stone, whose history in Republican political circles dates back to the Nixon era, was charged as part of Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russia interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election.

Stone has consistent­ly criticized the case against him as politicall­y motivated, and the judge overseeing his case had to issue a gag order in February after he posted a photo on Instagram of the judge with what appeared to be crosshairs of a gun.

His trial has become somewhat of a spectacle in Washington — even as the world’s eyes were drawn to the House impeachmen­t inquiry. Before the trial even began, a spectator collapsed during jury selection and Stone later fell ill and needed to leave early because of food poisoning .

On another day, as Stone dined in the courthouse cafeteria with right-wing provocateu­r Milo Yiannopoul­os, protesters

turned a large inflatable rat that looked like Trump toward the cafeteria windows.

Jurors also heard from Randy Credico, a New York radio talk show host and comedian who scored an interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2016, when he was avoiding prosecutio­n by sheltering in the Ecuadoran embassy in London.

During the 2016 campaign, Stone had mentioned in interviews and public appearance­s that he was in contact with Assange through a trusted intermedia­ry and hinted at inside knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans. But he started pressing Credico to broker a contact, and Credico testified that he told Stone to work through his own intermedia­ry.

Yet earlier testimony revealed that Stone, while appearing before the House Intelligen­ce Committee, named Credico as his intermedia­ry to Assange

and pressured Credico not to contradict him.

After Credico was contacted by Congress, he reached out to Stone, who told him he should “stonewall it” and “plead the fifth,” he testified.

Stone called a Credico a “rat” and a “stoolie” in a threatenin­g email in April 2018. Credico also testified that Stone used repeated references from the movie “The Godfather Part II” to intimidate him into either backing up Stone’s testimony to Congress or refusing to testify.

Prosecutor­s said Stone had also threatened Credico’s therapy dog, a Coton de Tulear named Bianca.

“I’m going to take that dog away from you,” prosecutor­s said Stone wrote in the threatenin­g message.

Stone briefly served on Trump’s campaign but was pushed out amid infighting with campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i.

Though sidelined, he continued to communicat­e with Trump and stayed plugged into his circle of advisers.

Prosecutor­s charged that he repeatedly lied to Congress “because the truth looked bad” for the president.

Even his lawyer, Bruce Rogow, didn’t deny that Stone had told the House committee things that were untrue. Rogow described his client as a natural braggart whose claims of insider informatio­n didn’t match reality.

But, he argued, Stone didn’t have any “corrupt intent.”

Gates’ appearance on Tuesday came about a week after the Justice Department released documents detailing how he described the campaign’s interest in obtaining stolen emails of Democrats to the FBI. He repeated some of those details in his testimony Tuesday.

On the stand, Gates described overhearin­g a speakerpho­ne conversati­on in July 2016 between Stone and Paul Manafort, his longtime business associate and the campaign chairman, after WikiLeaks released its first batch of emails, and Stone told Manafort that “additional informatio­n would be forthcomin­g.”

“Mr. Manafort thought it would be great,” Gates testified.

At the end of July, Gates said he was with Trump on a car ride from Trump Tower to LaGuardia Airport when Trump was in the midst of a conversati­on with Stone, whose voice Gates recognized on the other end of the line.

Defense lawyers objected to the question when Gates was asked about it, but he was allowed to testify that Trump indicated after the call concluded that “more informatio­n would be coming,” presumably related to WikiLeaks.

 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA/AP ?? Roger Stone, of Fort Lauderdale, with his wife Nydia Stone, right, leave federal court Washington on Tuesday.
MANUEL BALCE CENETA/AP Roger Stone, of Fort Lauderdale, with his wife Nydia Stone, right, leave federal court Washington on Tuesday.

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