Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Friend weighs reaction to rescue

- Readers can send email to askamy@amydickins­ or letters to “Ask Amy” P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY, 13068.

Dear Amy: My friend is an alcoholic. Sometimes she tries to stop drinking.

In addition to the alcohol, she seems to be addicted to an abusive relationsh­ip.

When she is with the man, he verbally and physically abuses her, and she calls friends and parents for help, apparently truly frightened for her life.

He has threatened her family, too. He is a scary guy.

If someone steps up to rescue her, she plays with getting sober, may or may not find work, etc.

Then the guy calls her, threatens to have her arrested on ridiculous charges, and “forces” her to return to him.

This cycle repeats itself. When she is sober and away from him, she appears to see how destructiv­e the relationsh­ip is. But he always sucks her back in.

How can I (and her other family) help, other than prayer?

Do we continue to “rescue”? Do we leave her with him, knowing she could end up dead? — Longtime, Worried Friend

Dear Worried Friend: This is an exercise in powerlessn­ess and patience.

You cannot physically remove your friend from this abusive relationsh­ip, and so your task is to love her as much and as well as you can — patiently and without judgment.

Enabling can sometimes feel like rescue, and you should learn the difference. But yes, when she reaches out for “rescue,” you should do your best to respond.

Tell her you are about her. Tell her there for her. Tell doesn’t change the feel about her.

Ask her if she is ready to get profession­al help, and then have the address and number for the Domestic Violence Hotline on hand: (or call 800-799-7233). worried you are her this way you

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