Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Low taxes fuel state’s economic success. Let’s keep it that way.

- By Mark Wilson Mark Wilson is the President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at

Florida is fortunate to be home to 19 Fortune 500 companies — employers that are directly producing thousands of private-sector jobs, playing a strong role in Florida’s vibrant economy, paying and collecting billions in taxes and contributi­ng their time, talents and resources to many of Florida’s philanthro­pic organizati­ons who then put hundreds of millions of dollars to help those who can’t help themselves.

Yet once again, these job creators are under attack. They are the “boogie man” for activist journalism which, far too often, seeks to advance socialism over free enterprise — apparently for more clicks, likes and retweets.

Only in America could the distorted tax policy theory of some become an Orlando Sentinel headline or fodder for a Sun Sentinel columnist. And situations like these are forcing job creators to become creative in their responses, just like FedEx Chairman and CEO Frederick W. Smith did recently when he tweeted his response to a New York Times frontpage article on taxes.

As the late great Paul Harvey would say, “Now here’s the rest of the story.”

In uniting the business community for good, the Florida Chamber is shining a light on bogus, socialist-style reports that use half-truths and innuendoes in an attempt to somehow tarnish leading job creators (a system that has Florida creating one out of 13 new U.S. jobs).

Thanks to Florida job creators, Florida’s unemployme­nt level is lower than the national average. And families and businesses in high tax states like New York, Connecticu­t, New Jersey, Illinois and California are fleeing their states for lower tax climates that allow families to save for a rainy day, businesses to hire more employees or reinvest in their facilities, and to create an overall better quality of life. These high-tax states apparently believe government creates jobs, when we all know that private sector employees create the jobs and the paychecks that are used to buy things that, in turn, create taxes that fund our government.

It’s true that Florida has the fourth best tax climate in the country. That’s because, unlike in high-tax states, Florida’s corporate income tax reporting doesn’t mandate “combined reporting.” While that reporting style is favored by those who want to see Florida fail, it has not been roundly supported by economists. In fact, Florida’s own economic forecaster­s have said combined reporting could decrease tax revenue, something Florida’s education system, environmen­t and transporta­tion system can’t afford.

That’s not an economic forecast we’re willing to stake Florida’s future on.

Growing Florida’s economy from 17th in the world to the 10th largest on the planet means ensuring global competitiv­eness, prosperity and high paying jobs, and vibrant and resilient communitie­s. A competitiv­e and equitable tax system that encourages job growth and strengthen­s our economy will be essential in achieving this goal.

That means the Florida Chamber will once again unite businesses in Florida’s Capitol and fight for further reducing the corporate income tax, phasing out the business rent tax, leveling the online sales tax playing field, increasing the R&D tax credit to spur innovation, reducing the communicat­ions services tax and fixing Florida’s lawsuit abuse tax. With 4.5 million more people expected to call Florida home by 2030, we will continue to ensure Florida is a state where jobs provide Floridians an opportunit­y to prosper. And we will fight for free enterprise to lead the way.

For the last decade, lawmakers have been returning hard-earned tax dollars back to Floridians — through targeted tax savings like to back-to-school sales tax holidays and reductions in the corporate income tax. Yet, Florida’s tax receipts continue to grow.

As Ronald Reagan used to say, if you want less of something, tax it. With all due respect to the Orlando Sentinel and South Florida Sun Sentinel, we’re not willing to tax Florida’s future away.

“With 4.5 million more people expected to call Florida home by 2030, we will continue to ensure Florida is a state where jobs provide Floridians an opportunit­y to prosper.”

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