Sun Sentinel Broward Edition


President rallies the South Florida faithful, heaps scorn on opponents

- By Anthony Man, Skyler Swisher And Brooke Baitinger

The two diametrica­lly opposed world views of President Donald Trump came together in one place Tuesday: the BB&T Center, where Trump held one of his signature rallies.

Inside, a devoted crowd welcomed home the president, who recently declared himself a Florida resident. Outside, protesters displayed scorn and fury, along with the Baby Trump balloon, the orange-haired inflatable infant clad in a diaper and clutching a cellphone.

Trump didn’t hold back. He whipped the crowd into a chant of “bulls---” when discussing the impeachmen­t charges against him. He took shots at “Sleepy Joe Biden.” He railed against the “corrupt” media. He played up crowd favorites, declaring that he was building his wall. He addressed his health telling the crowd his “gorgeous chest” is just fine.

At one moment, he said he would defend Thanksgivi­ng from anyone who would want to change its name, and he assured his fans he would easily win a second term.

“The crazy Democrats are going down in a landslide and that landslide is going to start

right here in the great state of Florida,” Trump said.

Trump supporters packed the arena, filling it to capacity. They wore shirts with slogans like “No Quid Pro Quo” and “Read the Transcript.” Florida’s top politician­s, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, briefly joined Trump on stage.

Trump took the stage about 7:30 p.m. in front of thousands of cheering supporters at the Sunrise arena, where supporters started arriving as soon as the parking lots opened at 7 a.m. for a “homecoming” campaign rally.

The crowd was enthusiast­ic, cheering many of Trump’s lines and offering boos when he mentioned an enemy. During a pause, a few people in the crowd started shouting, “We love you!”

The arena, which can hold more than 20,000 people, was filled to capacity. (Trump asserted that the news media wouldn’t report the size of his crowd.)

Trump forcefully decried the impeachmen­t investigat­ion that is dominating the political landscape.

The president said everybody says “that’s really bulls---.” The crowd responded by chanting “bulls---.”

“We had virtually no rights, no due process,” during the inquiry he said, using his favorite epithet for the U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff of California, chairman of the Intelligen­ce Committee and leader of the impeachmen­t investigat­ion, calling him “Shifty Schiff.”

Trump brought up one of his most controvers­ial recent decisions, intervenin­g on behalf of three military men convicted in war crimes cases, touting it as standing up for the nation’s warriors.

Trump brought up his sudden, Nov. 16 trip to Walter Reed National Medical Center, which prompted lots of speculatio­n that the president had an unannounce­d health problem. The president repeated the White House staff explanatio­n that he had a free Saturday so he decided to get a head start on his annual physical, which isn’t due until next year.

He said he’s perfectly healthy. “Let me tell you, if I didn’t feel great, I wouldn’t be ranting and raving to 21-22,000 people.”

Trump used it as a reason to attack the news media — and to encourage the crowd to boo, referring to “that stupid, corrupt, horrible CNN,” and adding, “We don’t have freedom of the press. We have a very dishonest press.”

The president made mention of the holiday season, with a notable assertion: He claimed there’s an effort, which he says he’s resisting, to change the name of Thanksgivi­ng. He didn’t say what name the supposed opponents of Thanksgivi­ng want to use.

Trump took a mid-rally break, calling up a slew of Florida Republican­s to the stage, and turning the mic over to DeSantis, who he called “one of the most popular governors anywhere in the country.”

Much of the credit for DeSantis’ August 2018 Republican primary win goes to Trump, who backed him enthusiast­ically. Trump recalled DeSantis performanc­e in his former job, as a member of Congress, when he was “always protecting me from the Russian witch hunt.”

Trump also told the crowd that DeSantis is in great physical shape. Trump said he used to think DeSantis was overweight when he saw him on TV. But in person, he realized “That’s all power. That’s all muscle.” He said DeSantis should wear suit jacket less so all can see how buff he is.

DeSantis touted his signature on legislatio­n banning sanctuary cities, putting conservati­ves on the state Supreme Court, and getting rid of vestiges of Common Core curriculum.

Trump also introduced and called up to the stage Republican U.S. Reps. Matt Gatez, Bill Posey, Gus Bilirakis, Michael Waltz, and Brian Mast . He also hailed Attorney General Ashley Moody, Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez and CFO Jimmy Patronis and former Attorney General Pam Bondi.

(Mast, who represents northern Palm Beach County, and Nunez are the only ones from South Florida, where many of the top elected officials are Democrats.)

Earlier, Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager and a Fort Lauderdale resident, warmed up the crowd, by telling them Trump was building a “big beautiful wall.”

“They are not going to take our guns,” he said. “They are not going to take our health care and give you socialized medicine. They are not going to flood our country with a bunch of illegal immigrants.”

Inside the arena, Trump supporters said they felt confident in the president.

“It was amazing. Awesome. Better than he is on TV,” said Heidi Guilino of Lake Worth. “He speaks from the heart, he’s real and he really loves the United States of America.”

Mary Jude Smith, 72, of Lantana, wore a shirt that read “Trump’s Tweets Matter.” She said this is her fourth Trump rally.

“I got three three hours of sleep last night and didn’t have any coffee this morning, but I am just pumped,” she said. “He has something that just energizes us.”

Smith said she thinks Democrats, particular­ly former Vice President Joe Biden, will have “zero chance” in 2020 of defeating Trump.

“He’ll make mincemeat of him,” she said.

Howard Tistle of Fort Lauderdale described himself as an avid Trump supporter who couldn’t pass up the chance to see the president.

“I don’t take issue with anything he’s done. I get so frustrated with my liberal friends,” Tistle said. “Sure he tweets and he’s obnoxious at times, but my liberal friends can’t look beyond that.”

Tistle said he’s been a lifelong conservati­ve, but strayed in 2008, and voted for Democrat Barack Obama. Now he’s so firmly in the Trump camp that on social media, “I’m a nut case as far as promoting Trump.”

Opponents outside of the arena weren’t shy about voicing their displeasur­e. They inflated a “Baby Trump” balloon that depicted the president in a a diaper and clutching a cellphone. When the balloon went up, Trump supporters shouted “four more years” and objected to socialism. Trump opponents countered with “lock him up” and “drain the swamp.”

Julie James, 49, a Brevard County resident, held a sign that read “I’m standing here holding a

sign on my day off. That’s how upset I am.” James said she thinks Trump hasn’t tackled the issue of gun violence.

“I can’t believe he would come within just miles of Parkland,” she said. “He’s done nothing.”

Trump also assailed former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic candidate for president. He referred to Biden with his favorite negative nickname, “Sleepy Joe,” and said Biden’s son Hunter needs to be called to account for his business dealings.

“The fake news doesn’t want to bring it up,” he said.

In a statement to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Biden slammed Trump early Tuesday afternoon.

The Democratic presidenti­al candidate said the Trump administra­tion’s attacks on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, threaten the health care of Floridians.

“Before even becoming a ‘resident’ of Florida, Donald Trump has already betrayed his new neighbors on the issue they care most about: health care. Donald Trump has tried time and time again to repeal the Affordable Care Act and eliminate protection­s for the close to 8 million Floridians living with pre-existing conditions like cancer, diabetes, or asthma,” Biden said, warning insurance companies could deny coverage or increase premiums.

Trump announced earlier this fall that he now considers Florida his home, specifical­ly his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, where he’s spending Thanksgivi­ng.

Florida is also a critical state in 2020. With 29 electoral votes, it’s the largest of the swing states that

will determine who wins the presidency.

Tim Murtaugh, Trump’s campaign communicat­ions director, said he thinks the enthusiasm displayed by the thousands of supporters at the rally shows that the Democrats’ impeachmen­t case against the president is backfiring.

“The impeachmen­t mess has invigorate­d and energized the president’s supporters in ways that I didn’t think were possible,” he said. “It has driven our fundraisin­g through the roof. I think you see from the Democrats some buyer’s remorse now. They are beginning to realize they have committed what may turn out to be the worst political miscalcula­tion in the history of American politics.”

Trump fans agreed. Before the rally, Jason Lovingshim­er, 33, of Sunrise, wore a white Trump cowboy hat with an American flag print beneath the brim and American flag print shorts. He stood with a few of his friends as rally-goers and protesters shouted back and forth at each other from across a ditch full of sawgrass.

“It’s not a fight that you can win,” Lovingshim­er said. “I’m not gonna change their mind, and they’re not gonna change mine. … That’s what makes America the best place in the world.”

He ended with one sentiment: “It’s a Trump-tastic day.”

Trump delivered a promise to the crowd at the end of his hour and 26-minute speech that — “the best is yet to come.”

“The crazy Democrats are going down in a landslide and that landslide is going to start right here in the great state of Florida.”

President Donald Trump

 ?? MIKE STOCKER/SUN SENTINEL PHOTOS ?? President Donald Trump greets the crowd during a rally at the BB&T Center in Sunrise on Tuesday.
MIKE STOCKER/SUN SENTINEL PHOTOS President Donald Trump greets the crowd during a rally at the BB&T Center in Sunrise on Tuesday.
 ??  ?? Thousands of enthusiast­ic supporters attend President Trump’s “homecoming” campaign rally.
Thousands of enthusiast­ic supporters attend President Trump’s “homecoming” campaign rally.
 ?? MIKE STOCKER/SUN SENTINEL ?? President Donald Trump throws hats to the crowd of thousands of supporters that attended his rally on Tuesday.
MIKE STOCKER/SUN SENTINEL President Donald Trump throws hats to the crowd of thousands of supporters that attended his rally on Tuesday.
 ?? TERRY SPENCER/AP ?? Supporters hold signs while they wait to enter the president’s
TERRY SPENCER/AP Supporters hold signs while they wait to enter the president’s
 ?? CARLINE JEAN/SUN SENTINEL ?? Protesters fly the Baby Trump balloon outside of the BB&T Center.
CARLINE JEAN/SUN SENTINEL Protesters fly the Baby Trump balloon outside of the BB&T Center.

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