Sun Sentinel Broward Edition



Michael Bloomberg: a qualified candidate

This is an open message to all of those running in the Democratic race for president.

I have to say that, as a registered Republican, I feel billionair­e Michael Bloomberg is much more qualified than any of you who say that he is trying to buy the presidency.

I don’t even think any of you who take this stance could in any way compare your accomplish­ment with what he has accomplish­ed in his lifetime.

Marco Cirrincion­e, Tamarac

Candidates’ conflict of interest on impeachmen­t

If Trump is impeached in the House then the Senate will then hold a trial with the senators serving as the “jurors”.

Should the senators running for president — Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — be allowed to serve and vote on this “jury” or should they recuse themselves?

Before hearing the evidence at the trial in the Senate, these senators have gone on the record and have prejudged this case and decided that Trump should be impeached.

These senators also have a conflict of interest since they are going to sit in judgment on someone who they are running for President against.

If you were on trial for a serious criminal matter, would you be OK with someone sitting on your jury that has a conflict of interest and before the trial has already decided that you were guilty?

A prospectiv­e juror who informs the court that they have decided that the defendant is guilty is excused immediatel­y “for cause.”

Jeffrey S. Gerow,

Elevate the rails, save lives

After reading the Nov. 26 Sun Sentinel article, “Train death spurs DeSantis to seek changes,” I fail to see how it is the trains’ fault that some choose to go around the gates or trespass on private property and, as is too often the case, get hit and killed by the train.

Do we really have to struggle to find an answer to this self-inflicted problem? The answer is to elevate the tracks!

I remember in my youth, growing up on the south shore of Long Island and near to the Long Island Rail Road, a similar issue of cars and people unsuccessf­ully trying to beat the oncoming trains – with deadly consequenc­es.

Seventy years ago, the Long Island Rail Road elevated the tracks to go over many of the intersecti­on of road and rail.

Want to save some lives? Elevate the rails.

Henry Stevens, Fort Lauderdale

People are the problem

Today’s article mentions how Floridians need to be kept safe and that the Florida Department of Transporta­tion is directed to work diligently on the problem.

The problem is the people. People that purposely drive around downed gates, ignore multiple flashing red lights, along with blaring train horns.

There is nothing wrong with the trains. If one cannot figure out how to not get hit by a train, I suggest avoiding train crossings.

Elana Gratz, Oakland Park

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