Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Former Fed chairman tamed 1980s inflation with recession

- By Paul Wiseman and Christophe­r Rugaber

Paul Volcker, 92, who as Federal Reserve chairman in the early 1980s elevated interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, has died, according to his office.

Volcker took charge of the Fed in August 1979, when the U.S. economy was in the grip of runaway inflation. Consumer prices skyrockete­d 13% in 1979 and then by the same pace again in 1980.

Working relentless­ly to bring prices under control, Volcker raised the Fed’s benchmark interest rate from 11% to a record 20% by late 1980 to try to slow the economy’s growth and thereby shrink inflation.

Those high interest rates made it so expensive for people and companies to borrow that the economy weakened steadily. By January 1980, a recession had begun. It lasted six months. A deeper and more painful downturn took hold in July 1981. It endured for 18 months and sent unemployme­nt up to 10.8% in November and December 1982, the highest level since the Great Depression.

In a statement Monday, former President Jimmy Carter, who had chosen Volcker to be Fed chairman, called him a “giant of public service.”

“Although some of his policies as Fed chairman were politicall­y costly, they were the right thing to do,” Carter said.

In the early 1980s, Volcker was vilified by the public for having triggered a severe recession in order to curb runaway price increases. Homebuilde­rs put postage stamps on bricks and on 2-by-4 wooden planks and mailed them to the Fed to protest how super-high interest had wrecked their

Auto dealers, stuck with lots full of unsold cars, did the same with car keys. Angry farmers, struggling with high debts, drove their tractors to Washington and blockaded the Fed’s headquarte­rs.

David Jones, an economist and author of several books on the Fed, ranks Volcker above all other chairmen since World War II. “Volcker was transforma­tive in terms of Fed policy,” Jones said. “We are still enjoying the benefits of his success.”

By sticking with his policies in the face of ferocious opposition, Volcker implicitly asserted the Fed’s independen­ce from political and public interferen­ce.

Throughout its history, the Fed has been seen as needing to operate independen­tly in order to properly carry out its key functions of maximizing employment and stabilizin­g prices. In the past three years, President Donald Trump has challenged that independen­ce with his frequent attacks on the Fed and his demands that it cut rates more aggressive­ly.

The pain of the recession Volcker helped cause eventually produced the desired rates businesses. results: Inflation receded. Once it did, Volcker’s Fed began lowering interest rates. And the economy rebounded vigorously enough for President Ronald Reagan to declare the arrival of “Morning in America” on his way to a landslide victory in the 1984 presidenti­al election. Volcker left the Fed in 1987, succeeded by Alan Greenspan.

The Volcker-led victory over inflation is widely credited with beginning what economists call the “Great Moderation” — more than two decades of mostly steady economic growth, relatively low unemployme­nt and modest price increases. The Great Moderation ended with the Great Recession of 20072009.

After the financial crisis of 2008, President Barack Obama recruited Volcker as an economic adviser. In that role, Volcker pressed for restrictio­ns on banks’ ability to trade in financial markets with their own money, rather than their clients’, and to invest in private equity and hedge funds.

The regulation­s, known as the “Volcker Rule,” were included in a far-reaching financial overhaul bill Congress passed in 2010.


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