Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Backers seek OK on weapons ban wording

Proposal aims to block owning assault weapons

- By Jim Saunders News Service of Florida

TALLAHASSE­E — Pushing back against arguments raised by Attorney General Ashley Moody and the National Rifle Associatio­n, gun-control supporters contend the Florida Supreme Court should sign off on a proposed constituti­onal amendment aimed at blocking possession of assault weapons.

The political committee Ban Assault Weapons NOW, the guncontrol group Brady and a coalition of 13 cities filed legal briefs Friday saying that the proposal meets legal tests to go before voters. The Supreme Court, which must sign off on proposed constituti­onal amendments, looks at the wording of ballot titles and summaries.

Moody’s office, the NRA and the National Shooting Sports Foundation filed briefs last month raising a series of objections to the proposed amendment, including the NRA taking issue with the term “assault weapons,” which it described as political rhetoric.

But the backers of the proposed amendment disputed such arguments and said the wording clearly informs voters about the intent of the measure. The proposal emerged after the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that killed 17 people.

“The intent of the sponsor and supporters, which include law enforcemen­t and military veterans, is to prevent future tragedies by restrictin­g the possession of the most lethal firearms that may be used to commit mass killings,” the Ban Assault Weapons NOW brief said. “The proposal specifical­ly targets semiautoma­tic rifles and shotguns that are capable of accepting more than 10 rounds at once and does not include any firearms that do not meet the definition of an assault weapon.”

Ban Assault Weapons NOW has proposed placing the amendment on the November 2020 ballot, though it is unclear whether the committee can meet a February deadline for submitting 766,200 valid petition signatures to the state. As of Monday, it had submitted 124,683, according to the state Division of Elections website.

If it does not meet the signature deadline, the committee could try to put the proposal on the 2022 ballot. Backers of another amendment that seeks to expand Medicaid eligibilit­y, for example, are seeking Supreme Court approval of their ballot wording but have already shifted their efforts to the 2022 election.

The Ban Assault Weapons NOW proposal calls for prohibitin­g “possession of assault weapons, defined as semiautoma­tic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition at once, either in fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammunition-feeding device.” The measure builds in certain exemptions, including for assault weapons legally owned before the ban would take effect, though those guns would face a registrati­on requiremen­t.

In their brief last month, attorneys for Moody argued that the ballot wording would not give an adequate explanatio­n of the effects of the proposal.

“The proposed amendment is, in practical applicatio­n, a ban on virtually all semi-automatic long guns. This is so because virtually all semi-automatic long guns — either off-the-shelf or by virtue of broadly available accessorie­s — hold, or are ‘capable’ of holding, more than 10 rounds of ammunition,” Moody’s lawyers wrote. “The ballot summary does not disclose this effect, which Florida voters are unlikely to understand absent explanatio­n.”

The NRA meanwhile, focused heavily on the term “assault weapons.”

“The amendment hides behind political rhetoric and a misleading ballot summary to coax voters into abridging their existing right under the Florida Constituti­on to keep and bear arms and criminaliz­ing the most commonly owned rifles and shotguns in America,” lawyers for the gunrights organizati­on wrote.

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