Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Won’t ‘meet the parents’ in PJs

- Readers can send email to askamy@amydickins­ or letters to “Ask Amy” P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY, 13068.

Dear Amy: I am a newlywed. The holiday season is upon us, and I’m trying to coordinate between families.

However, there is one tradition my husband’s family has that I don’t understand.

Ever since they were children, on Christmas morning, “the kids” would come down the stairs to open gifts, and their father would videorecor­d it.

Well, we are 26 now, and both siblings live on their own outside of the house, but my in-laws still think we should do this tradition.

My husband and I live in our own home and visit regularly.

Last year, I was not included in this tradition because I was still “the girlfriend.” This year, even if they ask, I’m not sure I want to be included.

Please help me relate to this tradition. — Holiday Grown-ups

Dear Holiday: This is one of the wackiest and most wonderful holiday traditions I’ve ever heard of, and I think you should sit back with a beverage, pull out your phone, and enjoy and film it.

This has a “Meet the Parents” quality to it, and I can only hope the adult children dress up in matching “footie” onesies in order to scamper down the stairs and greet their Santa-haul.

Unless this family engages in (other) creepy and/or juvenile or infantiliz­ing behavior, I think you should see this as a delightful annual one-off. Do not attempt to get in on it. You don’t have to do every single thing your husband does. Nor do you need to convince him to stop participat­ing in a silly ritual that might actually have meaning for all of them.

It would be a fun project for someone to splice together over two decades of this footage into a montage. If you are good at this sort of thing, you might give it to the family as a holiday gift next year.

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