Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

US, China to sign initial phase of trade pact

- By Paul Wiseman and Joe McDonald

WASHINGTON — After 18 months of economic combat, the United States and China are set to take a step toward peace Wednesday. At least for now.

President Donald Trump and China’s chief negotiator, Liu He, are scheduled to sign a modest trade agreement in which the administra­tion will ease some sanctions on China, and Beijing will step up its purchases of U.S. farm products and other goods. Above all, the deal will defuse a conflict that has slowed global growth, hurt American manufactur­ers and weighed on the Chinese economy.

But the so-called Phase 1 pact does little to force China to make the major economic changes — such as reducing unfair subsidies for its own companies — that the Trump administra­tion sought when it started the trade war by imposing tariffs on Chinese imports in July 2018. The U.S. has yet to reveal details of the agreement, though U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer has said they would be made public Wednesday.

Most analysts say any meaningful resolution of the key U.S. allegation — that Beijing uses predatory tactics in its drive to supplant America’s technologi­cal supremacy — could require years of contentiou­s talks. And skeptics say a satisfacto­ry resolution may be next to impossible given China’s ambitions to become the global leader in such advanced technologi­es as self-driving cars and artificial intelligen­ce.

“The signing of the Phase 1 deal would represent a welcome, even if modest, de-escalation of trade hostilitie­s between China and the U.S.,” said Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University economist and former head of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund’s China division.

In a letter to Trump on Monday, the top Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, complained that the Phase 1 deal appeared to make “very little progress in reforming China’s rapacious trade behaviors and seems like it could send a signal ... that the U.S. can be steamrolle­d.”

The thornier issues are expected to be taken up in future rounds of negotiatio­ns. But it’s unclear when they will begin. Few expect much progress before the election.

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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