Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Can I just install my own mailbox?


Q: We need to install a new mailbox in front of our house because ours is falling apart. Our homeowners associatio­n approved a budget item to install new mailboxes three years ago, but the work was never done. Can we install a new mailbox without being penalized? — Barb

A: When you live under a homeowners associatio­n, you may have to follow rules regarding the appearance of your home and property. These guidelines will be set out in your community documents. Some associatio­ns have a review process, typically run by a committee of homeowners, to review applicatio­ns from homeowners looking to paint or make other changes to the appearance of their home.

Mailbox maintenanc­e and replacemen­t is usually the responsibi­lity of the homeowner, although the style of the mailbox will be limited to maintain a consistent look throughout the neighborho­od. In your community, it appears that your associatio­n is responsibl­e for the mailboxes and approved replacemen­t years ago with no results.

Understand­ably, you need a working mailbox and one that looks nice. Your first step is to reach out to your associatio­n to see what is going on. Start with a call and then follow up in writing. If you do not get a response, try a second time, again in writing, but this time by certified mail, return receipt requested. You should also attend the next board meeting and politely try to find out what is going on. Make sure to take good notes about all of the steps you have taken.

If none of this works, you should repair or replace your mailbox with a design and color as close to your existing one as you can find. Make sure not to spend too much on this, because yours will be replaced along with your neighbors, when your community finally gets around to it.

While it is doubtful, considerin­g the circumstan­ces, that you be questioned about the replacemen­t, your documentat­ion and notes will provide an excellent defense to any penalty.

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Gary Singer

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