Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Cotton potential choice for 2024

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON — Freshman Sen. Tom Cotton has risen to the ranks of potential 2024 Republican presidenti­al contenders by making all the right enemies. By lining up behind President Donald Trump’s lawand-order recipe for controllin­g civic unrest, he’s making even more.

“One thing above all else will restore order to our streets: an overwhelmi­ng show of force to disperse, detain and ultimately deter lawbreaker­s,” the 43-year-old Arkansan wrote last week in a New York Times opinion column.

That infuriated Democrats and liberals, whom his column thumped by calling protests rocking cities “carnivals for the thrillseek­ing rich as well as other criminal elements.”

For good measure, Cotton lambasted the Times — a favorite conservati­ve target — after it released a subsequent statement saying Cotton’s essay did not meet its standards. Times employees had rebelled, expressing shame and anger about the piece.

“If the @nytimes allows woke ‘journalist­s’ to bully it into submission, why should any reader trust that the reporting by the @nytimes is fair and objective?” Cotton tweeted Friday.

Seldom acknowledg­ing reporters’ questions as he strides through Capitol hallways, Cotton is known for bellicose stances on issues that thrill Trump’s conservati­ve supporters. He’s been a hard-liner on immigratio­n, Iran and most recently China, suggesting the coronaviru­s may have originated in one of that country’s secret labs.

Cotton’s office declined to make him available for this article.

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