Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Brazil’s Bolsonaro leans on base as deaths rise

- By David Biller and Mauricio Savarese

RIO DE JANEIRO — As the coronaviru­s claims tens of thousands of lives in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro is focused on ensuring his political survival and mobilizing his far-right supporters to do so.

With less than one-third of Brazilians approving Bolsonaro’s handling of the pandemic, and protests against him increasing, analysts say he’s shoring up his base to shield himself from possible impeachmen­t and improve governabil­ity.

“He’s losing support and needs something to put in its place,” Mauricio Santoro, a professor of political science at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Casting doubt on COVID-19 statistics has been a mainstay in far-right circles and Bolsonaro has amplified that claim.

COVID-19 has killed more than 37,000 Brazilians, but one wouldn’t know it from the Health Ministry’s website; it stopped publishing cumulative totals Friday, the day after Brazil surpassed Italy to become third worldwide.

After backlash, a top Health Ministry official told reporters this week that the body would restore the cumulative death toll to its website, but with changes to the methodolog­y for how daily deaths are tallied.

Critics complained the move to squelch the death toll resembled tactics used by authoritar­ian regimes. It came after months of Bolsonaro downplayin­g COVID-19 and maintainin­g that economic meltdown would inflict worse hardship than allowing the virus to run its course.

Pollster Datafolha found that roughly 30% of Brazilians surveyed May 25-26 rated Bolsonaro as good or excellent and also approved of his handling of the pandemic.

Bolsonaro foes, seeing weakness, have submitted more than 30 requests for impeachmen­t to Congress, where they’ve been stalled by the lower house speaker. The president’s allies hope energized supporters could make it costly to support such moves.

The muted support for Bolsonaro was on display the past weekend, with protests against Bolsonaro’s government held in 20 cities while pro-government demonstrat­ions were significan­tly smaller than prior weekends.

Bolsonaro still enjoys considerab­le support on the far right.

Backers in April were quick to join his call to defy social isolation recommenda­tions even as the outbreak started exploding. Then they echoed the president’s call to treat COVID-19 with chloroquin­e, which many doctors refuse to prescribe for lack of evidence it can help and fear it may hurt some.

Bolsonaro has tried to energize his base by joining rallies in the capital that feature banners denouncing the Supreme Court and Congress, sometimes in lurid terms, for underminin­g his administra­tion. On May 31, he flew over the crowd in an Army helicopter and, after landing, rode into the plaza on horseback flanked by mounted military police.

On Friday, he pledged to make it easier for police officers and servicemen to import guns for personal use, part of the far-right’s longstandi­ng demand to make guns more accessible.

“What’s making Bolsonaro get more radical is the pandemic; some processes that existed before were accelerate­d. And he is

Brazil, where the virus death toll has topped 37,000.

being seen as he is,” said Adriana Dias, a researcher on far-right groups at University of Campinas. She noted that Bolsonaro never demonstrat­es empathy about the virus, for example replying, “So what?” when asked about Brazil’s death toll surpassing China’s.

“That didn’t ring well with average Brazilians. That makes him even more dependent on the radicals,” she said.

A fissure

Olavo de Carvalho, a farright idealogue, made an apparently rhetorical threat to topple the government. Once among Bolsonaro’s most strident supporters, he said the president has only paid lip service to fighting political enemies without taking aggressive action — a sign of weakness that “invites humiliatio­n.”

“There is still time for Bolsonaro to stop following bad advice and correct course of his policy. How much time? Five minutes,” emerged



In an effort to bring de Carvalho back into the fold, Bolsonaro ally Luciano Hang, who owns a chain of department stores, posted a video to Facebook.

“I’m on your side Brazilians need to be, Hang said.

Bolsonaro relies on such allies, as well as sons, ministers and advisers, to transmit signals that excite his base, according to Odilon Caldeira Neto, a history professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora who researches far-right ideology.

“The far-right embraces the idea of anti-democratic ruptures, and Bolsonaro is giving more space to those voices,” Caldeira said, particular­ly referring to showdowns with the Supreme Court and Congress, and alluding to the 1964-85 dictatorsh­ip that eventually closed Congress and sometimes overruled the Supreme Court. wrote on

Facebook. and too,”

Bolsonaro denounced a Supreme Court-ordered federal police raid May 28 against prominent allies suspected of conspiring to circulate false and defamatory social media posts about his foes.

Also apparently angered by the raids was Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president’s son and a lawmaker, who once said it would be easy to shut down the Supreme Court. After the raid he said there was no longer any doubt if Brazil’s government would suffer institutio­nal rupture, “but rather when that will occur.”

Far-right activist Sara Giromini, also targeted by the investigat­ion, on May 30 led a group of protesters holding torches aloft to the Supreme Court; it was reminiscen­t of white nationalis­ts’ Charlottes­ville march in 2017. She has organized a camp in Brasilia and acknowledg­ed there were arms on the premises. Her group has sought to intimidate Bolsonaro’s political enemies, and public prosecutor­s have likened it to a paramilita­ry group.

“The radicals want Bolsonaro to stage a coup, but Brazil’s history doesn’t show presidents doing that without popular support,” said Carlos Melo, a political science professor at Insper in Sao Paulo. “The question will be if the military and the police that still support him will believe there are conditions to do this and regain popularity.”

Meantime, the COVID-19 death toll is a drag on approval, even if the narrative among Brazil’s far right is that it has been inflated as part of a conspiracy against Bolsonaro by the establishm­ent, media and globalist organizati­ons like the World Health Organizati­on, according to Santoro, the professor in Rio.

“So, in a sense, the government decision to hide them (the numbers) is also in line with this ideology,” Santoro said.

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