Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Obama let us down


I am an 80-plus senior citizen who watched the callous murder of George Floyd by that racist officer and his “partners”, and the ensuing protests, and was reminded of a certain parallel.

The parallel I refer to involves President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War 2, who was elected overwhelmi­ngly, receiving a plurality of the Democratic Jewish vote. FDR was a great orator and you got the sense you could believe him. Unfortunat­ely, when the Jews needed him, he shirked his morality and shunned refugees being murdered by the Nazi machine. He refused to bomb the crematoriu­ms or the railroads that led to the death camps. The result? Six million dead.

In 2008, President Barack Obama was elected with an overwhelmi­ng plurality by African-Americans. They anticipate­d that this man, also a gifted orator, would lead them out of their depths of despair. It never happened/ He passed Obamacare, killed Osama Bin Laden and signed a controvers­ial Iran treaty, but he never accomplish­ed what his voters expected of him.

We are witnessing the pent up feelings of those protesting racism and there is a fear of radicals hijacking the movement. Mr. Obama recently wrote an article that said the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We must cast our ballots to make sure we elect candidates who will act on reform.

We elected that candidate, however, and he did absolutely nothing. He proved to be nothing more than the glib, smoothtalk­ing politician he turned out to be.

Robert Berg, Boynton Beach

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