Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

States push for racial reforms

Lawmakers take up systemic problems with mixed results

- By Adam Beam and Farnoush Amiri

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The racial reckoning sweeping the country after the killing of George Floyd in police custody has generated momentum at state capitols for widespread reforms addressing a range of inequities.

Lawmakers have floated proposals to address affirmativ­e action, racial disparitie­s in school funding and health care, criminal justice reforms and even study reparation­s for slavery.

The efforts go beyond policing reforms to focus on systemic racism that has stubbornly pervaded public life for decades. They are prompting “very real conversati­ons I didn’t think the country has ever really had because none of them are comfortabl­e,” said Sydney Kamlager, a member of the Legislativ­e Black Caucus in the California state Assembly. Success has been mixed. While advocates in California have celebrated a string of recent legislativ­e victories, lawmakers in New Hampshire refused to make an exception to their rules for a Democratic lawmaker who sought to introduce a bill examining racial bias and discrimina­tion in the state’s correction­s, judicial and police systems.

“I think it can wait,” said New Hampshire state Rep. Jack Flanagan, a Republican.

State Rep. Renny Cushing wanted to create a commission to collect data and make recommenda­tions in areas such as training for police, prosecutor­s, defense attorneys, judges, correction­s officers and parole officers. He can try again in a few months.

“I grew up in this state and I hear people say, ‘We don’t have a problem with race in this state because we’re all white,’ ” Cushing said. “That in itself is a problem — that’s what unconsciou­s bias is.”

Democratic lawmakers in Pennsylvan­ia also are trying to capitalize on the moment to address racial bias in the judicial system. In Massachuse­tts, a Democratic lawmaker wants to overhaul state education spending to funnel more money to schools with high numbers of minority students. And in Ohio, separate resolution­s would declare racism a public health crisis.

Lawmakers aren’t waiting in California, where a number of bills that have struggled to pass for years are suddenly sailing through the Legislatur­e. This month, the state Assembly overwhelmi­ngly approved legislativ­e that would let voters decide whether to overturn the state’s 1996 ban on affirmativ­e action in government and public colleges and universiti­es.

Last week, the state Senate passed a bill to make ethnic studies a graduation requiremen­t in the California State University system, the country’s largest four-year public university with 23 campuses and more than 481,000 students. The bill had been languishin­g in the chamber for more than a year.

“Everybody has become a reformer,” said state Assemblywo­man Shirley Weber, chairwoman of the Legislativ­e Black Caucus.

Weber is the driving force behind another proposal that has received renewed attention — studying how California could offer reparation­s for slavery. The idea has been debated for decades, mostly at the federal level. Bills proposing a federal study have been in Congress since 1989 but have failed to pass.

California entered the Union in 1850 as a free state, meaning it never had a government-sanctioned system of slavery. But the state allowed slave-owning whites to bring their slaves to California, and the Legislatur­e passed a law making it legal to arrest runaway slaves and return them to their owners.

California’s bill would establish an eight-member task force to study the effects of slavery and its “legacy of structural discrimina­tion.” The committee would recommend how the state could compensate black people, which doesn’t necessaril­y mean cash. Weber, the bill’s author, said other ideas include paying for college education or helping people buy homes.

“We resisted defining what would happen. That limits the bill itself,” Weber said..

Other states have sought to couple their coronaviru­s relief efforts with racial justice issues.

In Pennsylvan­ia, Democratic lawmakers have fused a police reform and racial justice agenda with a pandemic recovery platform under the banner of a “just recovery.” While Democrats have a minority in both of Pennsylvan­ia’s legislativ­e chambers, they have had success in shaping how the state is spending federal coronaviru­s aid.

In Massachuse­tts, state Rep. Russell Holmes said a priority will be finding an extra $1 billion over the next few years for struggling school systems.

“From a black and Latino perspectiv­e, that is primarily in our cities,” he said.

Ohio could go further by declaring racism a public health crisis.

The Ohio Legislativ­e Black Caucus said resolution­s in the House and Senate would officially acknowledg­e racism in Ohio for the first time. They call for increased spending to address the effects of racism in education, housing, criminal justice and health care.

 ?? RICH PEDRONCELL­I/AP ?? California Assemblywo­man Shirley Weber, left, receives congratula­tions June 10 from colleagues Sharon Quirk-Silva and Phil Ting after the chamber decided to let voters choose whether to overturn a state ban on affirmativ­e action programs.
RICH PEDRONCELL­I/AP California Assemblywo­man Shirley Weber, left, receives congratula­tions June 10 from colleagues Sharon Quirk-Silva and Phil Ting after the chamber decided to let voters choose whether to overturn a state ban on affirmativ­e action programs.

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